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SNDateTimeUser NameProject NameSessionProgress ReportSupervisor AssessmentPresence
5882025-02-2800:58:4741user name: csaCSDad, project:csadsafdsafdsfafdsf0 Group 140SIMPLE DESIGNS OF DATABASES are done in SQL. just trying to make databases editable by users. and trying to make them accurate as they are required in the python engine. fixing bugs in databases are still in process.0 Group 139SIMPLE DESIGNS OF DATABASES are done in SQL. just trying to make databases editable by users. and trying to make them accurate as they are required in the python engine. fixing bugs in databases are still in process.0
5852023-08-2301:21:3938jake-braun,, 3002 Group 5 Session 10: First, Group 5 decided what content would be included in the final presentation. After careful deliberation, we formatted our presentation as establishing an issue, and then proposing our project as the answer to that issue. We first go into detail about our back-end before exploring our front-end user interface. Then, we compare our results to our original functional and non-functional requirements, then evaluating issues both technical and non-technical, and how we worked through the issues before sharing our video and poster. We then sorted who'd speak on what matter, depending on what they brought to the project and then ultimately concluded with a small rehearsal. We also discussed the video and agreed to format it in a similar fashion to our presentation. Overall - we're satisfied with our work thus far and are keen to smash out our presentation tomorrow.0
5842023-08-2301:20:5838Session 10: First, Group 5 decided what content would be included in the final presentation. After careful deliberation, we formatted our presentation as establishing an issue, and then proposing our project as the answer to that issue. We first go into detail about our back-end before exploring our front-end user interface. Then, we compare our results to our original functional and non-functional requirements, then evaluating issues both technical and non-technical, and how we worked through the issues before sharing our video and poster. We then sorted who'd speak on what matter, depending on what they brought to the project and then ultimately concluded with a small rehearsal. We also discussed the video and agreed to format it in a similar fashion to our presentation. Overall - we're satisfied with our work thus far and are keen to smash out our presentation tomorrow.0 Group 137Session 10: The group and I worked hard at home to finish off our final document to submit: The Presentation. Over the weekend, I worked on and completed the Demonstration Video and showed it off to the team, and they were very happy with it. We are all hands on deck with the presentation, filling in the slides, making a script and rehearsing it. We will most likely use cue cards in order to help present our work. We have allocated and organised what slides we are going to work on and have read over the rubric and requirements to make sure the presentation is close enough to it. On Monday, we successfully submitted the final report and its related documents and now we are going to do the same with the video and presentation tonight.0 Group 137Our team showed constant dedication throughout the course of our latest meeting (Session 10), we carefully applyed the finishing touches to our project, the result of our joint work in which we turned in yesterday. Our attention was simultaneously focused on completing our final presentation, which is due today. My efforts were focused on creating our final report over the weekend in which we finished. Also over the weekend Khan and I together undertook the task of creating an e-poster, which we successfully started and finished. In saying that I am happy with the progress being made and as a group and are happy to see the finishing touches done before our final presentation tomorrow. 0 Group 137Our team showed constant dedication throughout the course of our latest meeting (Session 10), we carefully applyed the finishing touches to our project, the result of our joint work in which we turned in yesterday. Our attention was simultaneously focused on completing our final presentation, which is due today. My efforts were focused on creating our final report over the weekend in which we finished. Also over the weekend Khan and I together undertook the task of creating an e-poster, which we successfully started and finished. In saying that I am happy with the progress being made and as a group and are happy to see the finishing touches done before our final presentation tomorrow. 0 Group 137Session 10: During the weekend, we had finally finished our User Manual, Final Report, E-poster and everything that was required to be submitted by yesterday midnight. Today, my group and I worked on the presentation slides and the review of our Demonstration Video. Alex has worked on the Demonstration Video himself and has shown us the finished product and we are happy with the results. We have also all worked on the presentation slides which will be submitted tonight. We will make scripts and also rehearse our parts to make sure we do not go over the time limit.0 Group 337Today, we hopped on a Discord call with my team members, as it was easier to finalize the presentation for tomorrow. I worked on editing the Project Video using an AI tool to narrate the video recordings that Shivneel created. I made the script for the video as well as made the video engaging and informative for the audience. It took me a while to line up the narration for the video using the AI tool, and I used Capcut to add transition effects as well as text to provide an idea of which part of the video the narrator is explaining. Finally, I added informative background music. Then, I helped with the layout for the presentation slides, checking for grammatical errors and ensuring the slides were appealing to the audience.0 Group 337Today, I was actively engaged in various project-related tasks. I dedicated a significant portion of my time to crafting a comprehensive PowerPoint document, meticulously compiling and organizing key project details. I ensured that the presentation effectively communicated our progress, methodologies, and outcomes. Additionally, I was delighted to contribute my insights during the team brainstorming session for the upcoming video demonstration. I shared creative ideas to enhance the visual appeal and clarity of the demo, aiming to showcase our project's significance and achievements succinctly. My active involvement in both preparing the presentation and shaping the video demonstration underscored my commitment to the project's success and effective communication of our hard work.0 Group 337Session 10: Today we had to complete the presentation and the video first we started working on the video I provided all the video recordings which were then later edited and complied in a single video and then I worked on the presentation creating the slides such as the UI and the corresponding code and a few other slides like the Gantt chart and more and I also helped in selecting the design and I had to write a script that would be within the time we are given to present and then I made que cards digital cards that I will use with my phone 0 Group 437I could not attend today's session 10 due to my invonvients work schedule as i was working a night shift, and finished my work late morning. After resting for couple hours, i woke up and started working on the presentaiton with my group, while our group's memeber Jatin working on both the presentaion, in addition to hom working on the video alone, where XAMPP working only on his device, with the only access to elemantor. I had the access also, however, my laptop screen has been interrupted by an unfortunate fracture, therefore i lost all my prevoius set-ups and work on XAMPP. We will undoubtly complete both the presentation and the video, thanks to Jatin's access, furthermore, i am excited for the presentation on session 11, considering the amount of work i have put in this unit.0 Group 437Session 10: As a group we worked hard to create the Presentation and the video demonstration. For the requirement of video demonstration we are still working towards our goal as we are facing some minor issues regarding our XAMPP local host which is not actually projecting the pages properly. We split work but I was to do the video and the xampp is only working and supported on my device. We are working hard and will submit all the work by midnight tonight.0 Group 437Session 10: In today's session I aimed at editing the final presentation as well as the video demonstration and begun making some final adjustments before submission for tonight, unfortunately I was still unable to come into class as I'm still recovering but I will do my best to come tomorrow in order to present what we've created. I also believe my other team members were unable to come into class, I'm not sure why. I will be spending the rest of today to continue editing the presentation in order to ensure I've done the best that I possibly can. There isn't much left to do like I've previously said it's more or less just a few touch ups and adding a couple clips together.0 Group 637Session 10 was a bit of a hassle; since the database as unable to be hosted online (due to a very, very large number of errors, bugs and blockades) I was the only one with access to the database to allow the web application to run with the correct parameters. I was unable to make it in person today due to a flat tire on the drive there, so as soon as I had gotten home I worked through the project with my group and tried to help them the best I can. I had given the other two members screenshots + videos of the application so they were able to piece together a great demonstration video of the product, and all-in-all (even though it was a terrible start to the day) a very successful 'meeting'.0 Group 637Session 10: Today, I went through the outline of the presentation and ensured that everything needed was in there while keeping in mind the time constraint. I added content to the slides that I would be presenting, as well as the database and poster slides. I added the video to the presentation after Hope finished creating it. As a team, we discussed who would present each slide and I would be doing the introduction, conclusion, and help Hope with the user interface. Due to my group's app using a local database and the device it was currently on maybe being unusable on the day of presentation, I installed and set up the database and app on my laptop to the point it was working until I received a cache error that my team member said was too long to fix. Luckily, the device we need for the app is now available for the presentation. Hope and I then fixed the powerpoint for submission.0 Group 637In session 10, I have been able to finish editing the demo videos. It took me a pretty long time to record and combine each clips together. I added the voice over into the demo itself which will make it easier to understand. Moreover, I had to cut and edit the video multiple times to ensure that the voice over and the clips are aligned perfectly with each other. I also manage to finish the powerpoint slides which we will use for the presentation. I added all the information that needed to each slides such as technologies used, user interface descriptions. I also make sure that design of the slide is eye-appealing and the info is not too overwhelming to the listener. Furthermore, me and my team spend time to allocate and organise which slides we are going to present on. At the end of this session I focused on practicing my scripts for the presentation. 0
5672023-08-2108:05:0836Harry(Huy Nguyen), 3002 Group Project 7 In today's session (10), I successfully finalized the final report and other associated documents. This involved inserting new screenshots and making necessary adjustments to various sections that required refinement. Additionally, I completed the preparation of presentation slides and assigned specific slides to each team member for their upcoming presentation. During the session's discussions, I recognized the need for improvements in the demo video. The existing video lacked quality and certain essential elements. In response, I took the initiative to create a new demo video, which I am pleased with. Comprehensive reviews of all the work done were conducted, and I am content with the outcomes achieved.0
5662023-08-2108:03:5536Harry (Huy Nguyen), 3002 Group Project 7 In today's session(9) , I picked up from where I left off previously and witnessed substantial progress in the user manual. Additionally, I made significant headway in completing the final report, with the initial ideas now falling into place. I have designated tasks, along with clear instructions on how I want them to be executed. To facilitate efficient collaboration, I've established a shared Word document where everyone can update their work progress. While specific aspects of work submission are yet to be determined, I'm actively engaged in the process of organizing and refining all elements, aiming for completion by Monday night. My ongoing efforts encompass both the final report and the user manual. Over the upcoming weekend, I'm planning to create a video for the project, leveraging the insights I gained from our finished poster. This alignment between the poster and the report is proving valuable in generating further ideas and content.0
5652023-08-2108:00:5936Harry (Huy) Nguyen, 3002 Group Project 7 In today's session (8), my focus shifted from finalizing the final report due to missing screenshots. Instead, I turned my attention to updating the peer review evaluation document. This involved adjusting it in a way that would allow for easier completion at a later time. Additionally, I took on the task of revising the application instruction manual section within the user manual. For this, I undertook the process of enhancing the application screenshots by adding clear labels to each feature on their respective webpages. Consequently, the structure of the instructions needed to be reorganized to accommodate these labeled features, leading to a complete overhaul of the section's format. As part of this revision, I successfully revamped the Welcome section, along with the segments on ChatGPT services in Psychology and the Blog ChatGPT in Psychology by professor.0
5642023-08-2107:58:1136Harry( Huy Nguyen) , 3002 Group Project 7 Session 7 Today for the report I started taking snippets of the code and then added in the supporting paragraphs for each code snippet for the Psychology information. Then i went on break and then after the break, i continued with the code explanation for the Psychologist to ChatGPT the paragraphs I typed up today contained a description of the scripts used in the Chatgpt to input information of Psychology into ChatGPT knowledge. After all that I spoke about the technologies used such as Wix in CMS, visual studios code and notepad++ etc. and then I tried to collate all the work into each of my devices except there was a problem my spelling was different in the PHP file which caused issues which we will need to fix it as soon as possible.0
5632023-08-2107:53:5336Harry (Huy Nguyen) , 3002 Group Project 7 In today's session (6), I completed the User manual and integrated additional content about the various pages present on the website. I crafted instructions detailing the usage of these distinct web pages, including the account and members pages. In-depth discussions were held regarding their functions, purposes, and the sequential steps required for users to implement desired changes within their respective accounts. Furthermore, our team commenced work on the Final report and designated specific deadlines for its completion. We collectively determined the essential components to be incorporated into the report, encompassing Project scope, System requirements, System architecture, encountered challenges, and issues faced. My primary focus during this session was on the system architecture segment, which involves providing comprehensive insights into the website's architecture. To bolster this section, I'm in the process of adding screenshots of the diverse website pages, accompanied by succinct descriptions to provide a clearer understanding. Additionally, we delved into planning the creation of a video demonstration for our project. Roles for each team member were allocated to facilitate its production and execution.0
5622023-08-2107:51:2436Harry ( Huy Nguyen) , 3002 Group Project 7 In today's session, I worked on the user manual. I handled the website overview and composed step-by-step instructions for connecting to our website, signing up, logging in, and initiating a meeting. I incorporated screenshots of the website pages for the relevant steps. Collaborating with my teammate, we finalized the user manual. Shifting focus to the website's functionality, I encountered challenges with enabling users to edit meeting details. Additionally, the table displaying meeting dates wasn't accurately reflecting user input. I experimented with various functions in different ways, and after several attempts, successfully managed to rectify the table's issue with displaying accurate meeting dates. To enhance my understanding of linking datasets and presenting dynamic content on web pages, I watched instructional videos. Subsequently, I made necessary edits to the schedule meeting page, addressing typographical errors and optimizing the time settings. This modification allowed users to select from a dropdown menu containing 30-minute intervals for scheduling. Looking ahead, I plan to continue working on resolving the edit details problem during our next session.0
5612023-08-2107:48:5436Harry Nguyen, 3002 Group Project 7 In today's session (Session 4), I made significant progress on the final report for our project. I focused on detailing the structure and functionality of various databases: the language database, history database, settings database, and appearance database. This involved writing comprehensive descriptions of how these databases are organized and how they contribute to the overall functionality of our project. I also took the initiative to establish a table for the student contribution section. This part seems to be shaping up well and will likely provide valuable insights into the work each team member has put into the project. Moreover, I began refining the overall document by addressing formatting issues. Ensuring a consistent font and sizing throughout the report is crucial for a professional and cohesive look. Additionally, I initiated the creation of a list of figures, which will be a valuable addition once all the relevant figures are integrated into the report. This list will help readers quickly navigate through the visual content. During our team meeting, we collaborated on planning the content for the poster presentation. Specifically, we discussed the key elements that should be included, such as the introduction and an overview of the technologies we utilized. I made necessary revisions to align these sections with our agreed-upon approach. Furthermore, we engaged in discussions about the upcoming demo video. We outlined the specific content that will be showcased in the video and established a logical sequence for presenting the various aspects of our project.0
5602023-08-2107:48:4536Harry Nguyen, 3002 Group Project 7 In today's session (Session 4), I made significant progress on the final report for our project. I focused on detailing the structure and functionality of various databases: the language database, history database, settings database, and appearance database. This involved writing comprehensive descriptions of how these databases are organized and how they contribute to the overall functionality of our project. I also took the initiative to establish a table for the student contribution section. This part seems to be shaping up well and will likely provide valuable insights into the work each team member has put into the project. Moreover, I began refining the overall document by addressing formatting issues. Ensuring a consistent font and sizing throughout the report is crucial for a professional and cohesive look. Additionally, I initiated the creation of a list of figures, which will be a valuable addition once all the relevant figures are integrated into the report. This list will help readers quickly navigate through the visual content. During our team meeting, we collaborated on planning the content for the poster presentation. Specifically, we discussed the key elements that should be included, such as the introduction and an overview of the technologies we utilized. I made necessary revisions to align these sections with our agreed-upon approach. Furthermore, we engaged in discussions about the upcoming demo video. We outlined the specific content that will be showcased in the video and established a logical sequence for presenting the various aspects of our project.0
5592023-08-2107:48:0836In today's session (Session 4), I made significant progress on the final report for our project. I focused on detailing the structure and functionality of various databases: the language database, history database, settings database, and appearance database. This involved writing comprehensive descriptions of how these databases are organized and how they contribute to the overall functionality of our project. I also took the initiative to establish a table for the student contribution section. This part seems to be shaping up well and will likely provide valuable insights into the work each team member has put into the project. Moreover, I began refining the overall document by addressing formatting issues. Ensuring a consistent font and sizing throughout the report is crucial for a professional and cohesive look. Additionally, I initiated the creation of a list of figures, which will be a valuable addition once all the relevant figures are integrated into the report. This list will help readers quickly navigate through the visual content. During our team meeting, we collaborated on planning the content for the poster presentation. Specifically, we discussed the key elements that should be included, such as the introduction and an overview of the technologies we utilized. I made necessary revisions to align these sections with our agreed-upon approach. Furthermore, we engaged in discussions about the upcoming demo video. We outlined the specific content that will be showcased in the video and established a logical sequence for presenting the various aspects of our project.0
5582023-08-2107:47:5336In today's session (Session 4), I made significant progress on the final report for our project. I focused on detailing the structure and functionality of various databases: the language database, history database, settings database, and appearance database. This involved writing comprehensive descriptions of how these databases are organized and how they contribute to the overall functionality of our project. I also took the initiative to establish a table for the student contribution section. This part seems to be shaping up well and will likely provide valuable insights into the work each team member has put into the project. Moreover, I began refining the overall document by addressing formatting issues. Ensuring a consistent font and sizing throughout the report is crucial for a professional and cohesive look. Additionally, I initiated the creation of a list of figures, which will be a valuable addition once all the relevant figures are integrated into the report. This list will help readers quickly navigate through the visual content. During our team meeting, we collaborated on planning the content for the poster presentation. Specifically, we discussed the key elements that should be included, such as the introduction and an overview of the technologies we utilized. I made necessary revisions to align these sections with our agreed-upon approach. Furthermore, we engaged in discussions about the upcoming demo video. We outlined the specific content that will be showcased in the video and established a logical sequence for presenting the various aspects of our project.0 Group 136finished sequence diagram plus class diagrams and risk magangment of: Data Security and Privacy: Implement measures to protect user data from unauthorized access. Data Integrity: Ensure the accuracy and consistency of stored data through validation mechanisms. Database Performance: Optimize database performance to handle increased load. Algorithm Accuracy: Continuously refine and validate the algorithm used for calculating preferred genres. User Experience: Design user interfaces that provide a smooth and intuitive experience. 0 Group 236In session 10 of Applied Project 1, our group started finalizing our project document. I have done our pseudocode but I still edited and polished it during the day. Our group also decided to re-design the look of our final project document. I finalized and polished our project document, and let my group have a final look before we submitted to make sure. 0 Group 236In session 9 of Applied Project 1, we almost have the majority of our content for the final project. A few parts or topics were left - our group divided the workload equally. I have completely done and polished our use case diagram. Next, I start looking into our project's pseudocode by researching what it actually is all about. But, watching tutorials and videos played a vital in helping me learn more about especially the examples given made it much simpler to understand. After researching and watching videos about pseudocode, I began working on it with our functions and use case diagrams as a guide.0 Group 236In today's session (10), we completed the final report and other documents, We made a few changes such as inserting new screenshots and adding to all the documents that required finalizing. We managed to complete the presentation slides and allocated each team member several slides to present during the presentation. As per our discussion during this session, we decided to make some changes to the demo video as we thought the current video didn't have good quality and was missing a few things. we created a new demo video and are happy with it. We have reviewed all the work and are satisfied. 0 Group 236In session 10 we worked on finishing the report. we had to add the remainder of the screenshots and the references. After which we worked on the presentation converting the information in the presentation into bullet points for easier understanding. After the completion of the presentation, we worked on dividing the presentation slides so each member of the group has different slides that they will be presenting in class. We also worked on the demonstration video for the website adding music and editing the video to according to the group's discussion.0 Group 236During today's session, our group reached a point of finalization for the report and other documents. We made a few modifications, such as incorporating additional screenshots, briefing content, and integrating feedback from real users into the final report. Additionally, the Gantt chart has been completed, and we finalized the demonstration video. Our team also engaged in a discussion to allocate and organize presentation slides among members for the upcoming final presentation.0 Group 535Session 9: Worked on fixing homepage UI, fixing search to properly redirect towards correct search results page. Much of the framework for the website is now complete and we are in a position to begin adding inventory. Further tweaks include matching the UI to closer match our original design brief. It was a good session and I am confident we will be able to complete our work in time for the submission on Monday evening.0 Group 5350 Group 134Session 9: Today was a quiet day for the group, however, I have made some progress on the presentation and laid out the foundation to put in what we are going to say for Wednesday. I added in the titles and basic information for each of the slides and we will look at it again and fill in the remaining information after completing all of our other work that includes the demo video, poster and student evaluations. Most of the other work like the video and poster will be completed at home over the weekend and we will have an online meeting on Sunday to discuss the quality of the work. We hope to get everything done by Monday so we can submit the assessment and related documents by Monday midnight.0 Group 134In session 9 During today's class, I dedicated my focus on Future Enhancements and Lesson Learnt sections of the report, in saying that i worked on fix the bits and also our team worked as well as that i tried to work on finishing the Future Enhancements subheadings as i was not able to finish it in class today i aim to finish it by either tonight or by tomorrow so we can proof read it before the weekend. Additionally, we discussed that an off-class meeting is scheduled for Sunday to finalise our work on both the report and the presentation. Overall, today's session was productive and synergistic, driving progress in both individual report sections and team presentation development.0 Group 134Session 9: In today’s class, Ashish and I kept working on the Final Report. We are nearing the completion of the Final Report. We are nearing 95% of the report completed. Today, our group discussed what we should do for the rest of the assessments which is the e-poster and the presentation file. We have decided that Alex would start working on both of those documents until Ash and I finalize the Final Report. Alex said he would do the e-poster at home as he has better access to the utilities to create the poster on his home computer. Instead of focusing on the e-poster, Alex has had his focus on the presentation file for this current session while Ash and I focused on nearing the completion of the Final Report. Over the weekend, we will have the Final Report, e-poster and Demonstration video finalized and ready to submit as the due date for the work is Monday 11:59pm.0 Group 334Today, I finalized the Smart City Files by correcting the file names. I sent these files to my teammates Shivneel and Raymond. Next, I focused on the UI section of the report. I captured screenshots of various UIs within the Traffic-Economy Correlation Chart. For each UI, I provided descriptions explaining their meanings and how they assist users in visually correlating the datasets. Additionally, I assisted Shivneel in implementing the page functionalities on his device. I ensured that the files I shared were fully functional and aided him in setting up the front page of the website, allowing him to access these functionalities.0 Group 334In session 9, we delved into various aspects of web development and data manipulation using PHP. We began by discussing the inclusion of external libraries, like Plotly, for creating interactive visualizations on web pages. Exploring further, we examined the implementation of filters and dynamic updates to plots, enabling users to refine data representations based on their preferences. The conversation then shifted towards PHP code segments aimed at database interactions. We dissected code that establishes a connection to a MySQL database, alters column data types, and retrieves specific data sets using SQL queries. Detailed explanations were provided for key functions such as "updateTableDropdown()" and "updatePlot()", shedding light on their roles in dynamically updating dropdown menus and scatter plots. Furthermore, the conversation unveiled an approach to fetching distinct categories from a set of tables, effectively organizing and collecting unique category values for analysis. The integration of multiple tables' data into a consolidated array demonstrated efficient data aggregation, paving the way for comprehensive insights.0 Group 334Session 9 today I continued on with the code descriptions were I talked about the legends code the summary box and the corresponding event listener and the filter for the trafficmap. Then i worked on the technology section and challenges and added in small things like what photo editing software we used for the UI and then once Ralp finished collating all our functionalities on his device I did the same thing as it has organized it for Raymond and I for me to later then record the footage for another day so we can make the demo video. Then I went on taking screenshots of the php file movement_counters and adding in the supporting paragraphs I wrote about how the script connects to the database then I spoke about how it retrieves the correct time and the error handler then I spoke about the sql query which fetches the latest dates after 5pm then I spoke about the time filter then the array and then close of the php code 0 Group 434I could not attend today's session 9, so i along with my group memebrs workted online from home. We were working on the final project, i was working on my assigned work. After completing few parts, at that moment i along with my group discussed who was going to create the video and in which style and description should be used, after reaching an agreement, we left it as a homework for weekend as a last objective to complete before submiting everything either on Sunday night or Monday.0 Group 434Session 9: We continued working on where we left off, made a big progress through the user manual, we also managed to get through the final report where all the ideas from start have now started to take a place. All team members have been allocated the work that they are required to do and how we want them to be done. A word document has been created for all members to share their work progress on. We are yet to decide the work submission for certain parts or areas but are working through to get everything organized and done by Monday night. We will continue to work on the final report as well as user manual and will try to make the video for the project during the weekend. As we have already finished the poster, its helping us to get more ideas for the final report.0 Group 434Session 9: My whole group wasn't able to attend the class as they had their own reasons, mean while I'm still recovering from an injury. We were still able to communicate over discord and work on the final report all together, everyone was working on their own separate parts and ensuring it was done correctly. I also have begun creating the presentation slides and have added some information into it. The user manual has essentially been completed and has had some minor details added to it in order to get it to where it's at, we still need to do the video demonstration but other than that I believe we have the user manual and poster completed. The only thing left is the final report for Assessment 2 and we can finish off the presentation and live demo over the weekend.0
5322023-08-1705:57:2833In session 9, I spent most of my time doing the demo videos for our Voice Translator project. I have been researched some of the demo other open source and also the sample demo to get some ideas . I have been able to have a rough 30s of the demo video, even though, it's not perfect but I have manage to put the content, the background music and also some of the related videos. I have started on the "How to use" and able to record and explain the Welcome page of our project. Moreover, I took some times to research about the Voice over for the videos which will help us to explain the project better without have to actually record our voice. 0 Group 233In session 8 of Applied Project 1, I began inserting all the use case diagrams that I have done in the 7th session. I also started doing the use case description for every diagram. After I finalize the use case diagram and description, I will focus on completing our UI diagram and pseudocode.0 Group 133Session 8: Today I finished putting in the pictures for the how-to-use section of the document also and formatted the entirety of the complete User Manual document. As a group, we read over the How-to-use section of the User Manual and made some minor edits and changes along the way such as grammar, spelling, wording, etc. As a group, we are generally happy with the level of detail that the User Manual has provided and are now moving onto finishing the Final Report. While the others are working on the final document, I continued to work on the poster and made some progress, however, the rest will most likely be done at home and in session 9. I have started to also plan and figure out the format for the Demonstration Video. We will most likely use an AI voice and pictures that accompany the text to show our product. As for the presentation, we have not setup a template yet, but we will set one up likely in session 9 or over the weekend.0 Group 133In session 8 KHAN and I worked on the final report to finalise the whole report as i worked on finishing the Future Enhancements and Lesson Learnt section of the report, as well as that i worked on finishing the subheading the day before at home as i was tasked by my group leader to do so, i also worked on researching if we could get some code from looker studio, but was unable to find a solution so we decided that we would just leave that. Also as a group we decided to read over the user manual we fixed up all the errors and grammatical changes as well as that i tried to work on finishing the Future Enhancements subheadings as i was not able to finish it in class today i aim to finish it by either tonight or by tomorrow so we can proof read it before the weekend. We also made plans to start our presentation and the demo video and finish it by this week as we would need to submit it by next Tuesday and discussed that we might need to do it over the weekend to finish and finalise the project before our presentation on wednesday. As discussed in our previous meeting we aim to get the report and the deliveries done by this week as we would need to submit it by next monday and we might spend the sunday reviewing the work to finalise to submit on the monday.0 Group 133Session 8: Today, Alex has finished his progress on the User Manual. Now that the User Manual is completed, our whole group came together to all proofread the document by having the same document on our computers and reading the work out loud. There was a lot of different spelling mistakes and changes that we made to the document from just proofreading the document. After the User Manual was proofread, I made a backup file of the User Manual just in case the original file was to be corrupted, changed, or deleted. Now that the User Manual is now complete, it was time to shift our focus on the other documents that needs to be completed. Ashish and I shifted our focus on the Final Report. Ashish is working on the Future Enhancements and Lessons learnt section and I am working on the Database section and the System Architecture section of the document. The overall completion of the Final Report is looking to be 75% completed. After the User Manual had been completed, Alex has started working on the e-poster once again. He is continuing his progress from last week where he laid out the design of the poster and planning different sections on where he would like to put the pictures and text on the poster. The Final Report and the e-poster will be our groups focus for the rest of the sessions for this week and until the end of this Sunday. I am very impressed with everyone’s contributions with the work so far especially the Final Report and the User Manual that has been completed today. After Sunday, our group and I are hoping to start working on the presentation slides and the demonstration video. If we can finish everything else before the end of this week, our group would have ample time to work on the presentation slides and the demonstration video.0 Group 233In today's session (9) - we had our supervisor visit us and we showed him all our work for feedback. We received feedback on the User manual, e-poster, final report, and PowerPoint. We are required to make some changes prior to our presentation. I worked on the user manual and fixed the changes the supervisor such as adding in the figure captions and small descriptions and adding to the troubleshooting section. I helped my team members with giving website change suggestions as suggested by our supervisor. We also discussed what we will do in the next two sessions. My team member asked for some Gantt chart queries which we clarified and we will be adding background music to the video once it is completed. 0 Group 233In session 9 we had a meeting with our supervisor we showed him all the work that we had completed so far. which included the presentation, website, poster, report and the demonstration video. After he checked our work he gave us feedback on the things we needed to improve such as converting the presentation document in to bullet point format and how we should prepare for it and what was expected of us during the presentation. he gave us feedback on the poster in which we had to make few changes and after that we worked on the user manual and made changes according to his feedback. We also worked on the website and made it look more professional working on the style of the buttons and forms. After which we started working on the Video which I almost complete and only need minor editing. which I will work on tomorrow so we can have it ready for submission on Monday. We decided to also have another meeting on Monday before submission so we can go through everything again and make sure everting is up to standard.0 Group 233Today our supervisor provided us with feedback on several aspects of our project, like the website, poster, user manual, final report and presentation slides. He made a few suggestions and recommendations on the website pages' descriptions in the user manual and final report. I then worked on incorporating some pattern validations within the website to ensure data accuracy. I redesigned the website, incorporating modifications suggested by one of my teammates to improve the aesthetic and functional aspects. We discussed on what content that should be included in the Gantt chart for our final report. We will review the documents after making the necessary changes according to the feedback we received and finalize them in the next session. 0 Group 333Today, I started working on checking all of our code for any corrections and adding comments to the code to help with understanding it more. I then started finalizing the code into a compiled folder. This folder contained all our functionalities that included HTML and PHP, the necessary database, as well as the required website files. I then checked all the files by implementing them into the website to ensure that everything was working as expected. Finally, I created the front end of the website in order to be able to access the functionalities that we created under the two categories: City Discovery and Planning Council. I achieved this by creating buttons that lead to each functionality's page. I also designed logos for each functionality so that they matched the other functionalities that were already existing on the current Smart City Website. During this process, I encountered issues with the buttons as the spacing was not matching. However, after some tinkering in the settings, I was able to fix it.0 Group 333In session 8 of this block, i continue on with the code explanation on the report. Completed roughly 8 out of the 12 screenshot for the code. As well as started to plan out the database report. In the code explanation i talked about what the code means, why is it used and what does it do, as well as the purpose. For the Database diagram, i did added the database layout, the documents such as the excel, and the csv file and the layout of the excel and csv file, 0 Group 333Session 8 Today I went back to continuing on writing the code descriptions for the traffic map(geographical heatmap) then I typed up the supporting text for the heatmap update function, markers, calculating the total, 0 value filtering, heatmap intensity for loop, leaflet plugin and the heatmap check this took up much of the time we had today. Then after that was all done I went back to adding more to the challenges section were I talked about how we used the leaflet plugin and then gave alternative methods we could of tried as well as the benefit to doing so. I also made an additional change towards the traffic map were I added in some text to describe how the duration filter the data by using the latest dates available. Then I started to take screenshots of the discontinued block heatmap code for me to describe them which I talked about how we connected to the anychart library, then I spoke about the filters and how it functioned and then I spoke about how the colour scaling of the heatmap worked and that’s it.0 Group 433In today's session 8, we started with a full class, the class was packed and we needed a quite environment to discuss our group ideas, therefore, i along with my group member Jatin went to the library. We discussed about the pages on sc platform website, so we left this question for one of the supervisors at the end of the class. Later on i continued working on the data charts to see if i can add more correlation but ended up in afailure and wasted some time. I decided to revert to the old data correlations as it was before. Later then i continued working on the final report, i added the roles and discussed with the rest of the group about the contents and topics. Today as homework, i will continue to work on the final report and complete the website with my group.0 Group 433Session 8: We manage to get everything organize. My part of website in finished and already uploaded as a draft on to the Sc data platform website. While for others the website in completed as well just need to add it into the website and publish them accordingly as required. The website is partially finished where after adding the final parts and publishing will be fully finished, We aim to get the website finished by tonight and also start making screen videos as draft or final work by the end of tonight. We also started to organize work for final report where organizing and allocating the work for every team, regarding who aims to finish which parts. The User Manual is also half completed but will be completed by the end of tomorrow night. We aim to finish the User Manual and Project Video by tomorrow night, so we are left with the Final Report and work through them over the weekend or next week. We also had a chat with Assefa to get some clarification regarding how the website needs to be presented and at which parts of website we can use to develop and submit our website.0 Group 433Session 8: In today's session I worked on fixing the User Manual and making minor adjustments, It's nearing completion and only needs a couple more steps added to it. My group worked on the implementation of the correlations onto the website while I was at home due to my injury and I worked on a couple of the documents. My team members had delegated us with the parts we are doing in order to complete the final report and I am now looking to have that done as soon as possible in order to allow time to create the presentation as well as video demonstration. I aim to complete the user manual tonight as well as finish my part of the final report by tomorrow that way we can work on the presentation as well as the video demonstration on the weekend and have enough time to ensure Assessment 2 is submitted on time by Monday night. Our teams overall progress seems to be quite good but there is definitely still some areas we need to improve on for sure.0 Group 533In Session 8, we spent our time troubleshooting and resetting a few things to completely retool our user interface. We had to make back-end changes, but overall this assisted in improving the overall quality of our project.0 Group Group 533In Session 8, we devoted our time to working on our search queries and the user interface of our products. We had to troubleshoot a few issues and reset a few things, particularly in regards to the layout of our product page - but overall these resets were for the best, and helped us further improve our project with the looming deadline on Monday fast approaching.0 Group 633In session 9, I FINALLY was able to connect to the domain, create an SQL database and be able to access it from any PC and/or remote access. Access is granted and website works online; with the capabilities to translate, sign up and login. The problem was a typo in the flask application.0 Group 633In session 8, I had fixed up minor bugs and begun the implementation into a free domain (in this case, we're using PythonAnywhere). This was unsuccessful, as I had spent 2-3 hours during the implementation phase, and was unable to figure out the end of it. The errors that kept occurring were the authorisation; stating that there was no grantable access to any of the users or their accounts related to them at all.0 Group 633Session 9: Today, I finished the settings section of the user manual with the labelled figures. I also created the troubleshoot section in the user manual and added three possible problems and solutions with figures. I reformatted the installation section of the user manual and added figure captions with a bit of editing of some of the instructions. I fixed the overall format of the user manual documentation and the final report document, however am still missing some figures. I added my student contribution to the final report and started on the presentation slides.0 Group 633Session 8: Today, I continued with the user manual and was able to redo the dashboard section and translation history section along with labelling the screeshots for those sections. I added a guest user section and created the the instructions for it. I got halfway through the settings section as I completed the instructions, however I wasn't able to finish labelling the screenshots. I found some missing elements in the guest user screenshots, the light version of the translation history screenshot and the dashboard screenshot so my team will need to fix that before I can label them and put them in the user manual. I also found that some of the final report user interface figures need to be redone as well due to missing elements.0 Group 633Session 7: Today, I wasn't able to finalise the final report as there are still screenshots missing, so I updated the peer review evaluation document to make it so that each member just has to fill it in. I also redid the application instruction manual section of the user manual by editing the screenshots of the application to have labels of each feature on each webpage. Because I labeled the features, I had to reorganise the way the instructions were structured and ended up changing the format of the entire section. I was able to redo the Welcome section, Login section, and Sign Up section.0 Group 633In session 9, I spent most of my time doing the demo videos for our Voice Translator project. I have been researched some of the demo other open source and also the sample demo to get some ideas . I have been able to have a rough 30s of the demo video, even though, it's not perfect but I have manage to put the content, the background music and also some of the related videos. I have started on the "How to use" and able to record and explain the Welcome page of our project. Moreover, I took some times to research about the Voice over for the videos which will help us to explain the project better without have to actually record our voice. 0
5182023-08-1606:06:0432In session9, I completed the use case diagram, risk assessment and resource management part of the function I was responsible for. The function of the account home page needs to be further improved. I need to discuss with my classmates which functions need to be presented on the account home page.0 Group 132Conducted an in-depth analysis of the favoriting feature,Favorite Games Interaction: Users can select and deselect favorite games using an "Add to Favorites" button. Selected games are visually distinguished. The system allows real-time updates as users make selections or deselect games. A database interaction class, UserDatabase, is defined to manage user-related operations such as fetching user IDs, toggling favorites, retrieving user favorites, and closing the database connection. Game Recommender System: The recommender system suggests games based on user preferences and likes: User Preferences (Genres): Recommends newly released games aligned with user-preferred genres. Likes: Recommends games that the user has positively interacted with (e.g., favorited, rated highly). What's New: Suggests recently released games matching user-preferred genres. Most Liked: Recommends games with high user approval, based on likes and interactions. Generic Most Liked: Suggests universally popular games irrespective of specific preferences. The gameRecommender function combines new game releases, highly liked games, and universally liked games to provide a prioritized list of recommended games.0 Group 132Completed the use case diagram for Function 4 of the report User Likes/Dislikes System of our games recommendation system. Completed the Pseudocode for Functional Requirement 4 Likes/Dislikes System. Did some internet research on google for ideas for what to include in a user case description. From these ideas I wrote a user case description for our project Likes/Dislikes System of our games recommendation system project. Completed the risk management including consequences and mitigation steps for Functional Requirement Likes/Dislikes System of our games recommendation system. Did some internet research on considerations to ensure a good UI design considering users who may have accessibility barriers. Factored that into it and wrote the code and got a working copy of my UI design. Included a brief description of two non-functional requirements for both the randomiser and user likes/dislikes system of our games recommendation system project. Wrote an in-depth description of User rating system as a functional requirement for our of our games recommendation system project.0 Group 132Session 7: Today I continued working on the How-to-use User Manual for the report. Today I have completed all of the text that is required for the document, however, I still need to add images since the website was still being worked on and the titles and images on the website have changed since then. Our group leader Khan has given me the green light for adding in the remaining images for the user manual, which I will work on tonight and for Session 8. Assefa came in once again to look over how we were going and we asked him a few questions regarding the connection to the mySQL database. He suggested we either justify our method we are using now in the report or implement a new way for the mySQL database to connect with the excel spreadsheet via a Python loop script. We are still deciding what we want to do, but the group leader has the final call on what we decide to do. We ended up having a meeting on Monday to discuss the rest of the workload and we concluded that after finishing the reports, we work on the poster, video demonstration and presentation.0 Group 132In this session 7 me and khan worked on the final report as we had a meeting yesterday to discuss the work we need to complete today , and our group leader khan told me that i would need to finish of the System Requirements Review which i did yesterday and then he told me that i need to finish the Future Enhancements and Lesson Learnt which i started doing some parts from my last Friday goals o we didn't reach our goal of finishing the work by Monday or Tuesday that we made on Friday, but from last Friday goal list we did do a review of the user manual and went over it and fix some grammar mistakes we did this on our own meetings over the weekend, as well as that we have now decided that we would need to finish the group report by Thursday as we would need to shift our focus to the other elements of the final reports such as the poster, presentation and the demo video.Overall I am happy with the progress being made.0 Group 132Session 7: Over the weekend, I finalized the design and creation of the heatmap and data correlation tool on Looker Studio. I have reorganized the layout of where the buttons and the graphs and maps are placed. I have also decided to add a title on top of every layer of the data correlation tools to make it easy to identify what each of the layers of the data correlation tool is used for. In today’s session, I worked on the Final Report. The section I was working on today was the database and user interface designs for our project. It involved taking screenshots of the user interface that our application on the replicated website we will deliver will look like and the descriptions for each of the pictures. Each picture has a figure number associated with it. Ash and I will also start on writing up the newly added sections: Future Enhancements and Lessons Learnt. Ash is already working on both sections but when I finish the rest of my part of the document, I will move on to assisting Ash with his section of the work he is writing up.0 Group 232In today's session, we did substantial work on the slides, in the presentation slides we came up with a thorough introduction, functional and non-functional requirements, and system architecture. After discussion, we decided that we would add screenshots of the website and add a brief description for each screenshot. We all worked on different parts of the project, I worked on getting the presentation slides completed such as the introduction, functional/nonfunctional requirements, system architecture, and placing the screenshots in the right place. After completing certain slides, I started looking for our previous Gantt chart in our previous documents, as we needed to create a Gantt chart. my team member and I started working on the Gantt chart. I also reviewed a draft demo video that my team member constructed and gave feedback to it. 0 Group 232session 8 = In todays session we worked on the presentation for our project. using the sample presentation as inspiration we discussed what needs to be in the presentation. After the discussion we worked on finishing the presentation. Every member worked on their assigned parts plus helped each other in their parts as well. I worked on the System Architecture part with help from my teammates. After the completion of the presentation, we started working on the demonstration video and had a discussion on how the demonstration video should proceed. I created a draft version of the video and shared it with the team member s to discuss the look and the flow of the video. I will be working on the demonstration video Tomorrow and will complete by the end of the day tomorrow so we can have a discussion with our supervisor, and he can give us any feedback he might have regarding our completed documents. 0 Group 232During today's session, we made significant progress on the presentation slides after discussing what contents we should include in it. We wrote a comprehensive project introduction. We wrote a brief review of the system requirements (functional and nonfunctional requirements). We incorporated relevant screenshots of key website pages and provided brief explanations of their content and functionality. We added the poster in the slides. We composed a comprehensive conclusion summarizing the main points discussed throughout the presentation. Additionally, I spent time in refining the Gantt chart. We had a discussion about the specifics of how we envision the demonstration video for our project.0 Group 332Today, I went over the Foot Traffic and Total Spending Correlation Chart and found out that the data being displayed isn't the latest available. So, I fixed it to display the most recent dates. The implementation involved checking if all the dates matched in the database and linking them together. I also modified the date display to show the latest date first. This resolved the issue. Then, I tried to further improve the Duration filter by adding a custom date range, but unfortunately, I ran out of time. We had to shift our focus towards working on the report documentation. I concentrated on explaining the UI, taking screenshots of the Traffic-Economy Correlation, and providing an explanation of how the UI functions.0 Group 332SESSION 7: Today, our team has diligently advanced the Foot traffic project, focusing the final report such as the database review, code explanation for both the php and the html, as welll as working on the Interface of the website. I began by designing a database structure, successfully translating organizational needs into a diagram and implementing core tables, relationships, and integrity constraints. Some of the troubles that i faces, was that the html code for my economychart graph kept having an error from data not getting though or syntax error0 Group 332Session 7 Today for the report I started taking snippets of the code and then added in the supporting paragraphs for each code snippet for the traffic map heatmap this took awhile since there is quite a bit of code. Then i went on break and then after the break i continued with the code explanation for the traffic map the paragraphs I typed up today contained a descriptions of the scripts used in the traffic map I also talked about the dropdown duration filter I also talked about the checkbox filter then I spoke about the legend in the code and then I spoke about the initial javascript initial heatmap code then I spoke about the fetch sensor data code then I spoke about the heatmap update function. After all that I spoke about the technologies used such as wordpress XAMPP(3.2.4), visual studios code and notepad++ etc. and then we tried to collate all the work into each of our devices except there was a problem our spelling was different in the php file which caused issues which we will need to fix very soon 0 Group 432In today's session 7, neither my group members could attend unfortunately but are working on the project later today. Jatin had a sudden call for work and Majd saying his rip fractured or something, therefore starting the day as the only individual in group in class. I could not bring my own device to continue on the project because it fell of my desk as i was studying yesterday and the screen glitched, for that reason i used the library computers as the devices in the class are all dead, as result, i continued working on the project. We have finished Manual & Poster last weekend but i was saving & downloading it as video and high frame Image. After completing, i then filled the NEF3002 IT Project Evaluation Form. Right after a short break, i started working on the final report. The headings, design and frames as well as the Introductions are done. I shared the file on one drive with the rest of my group members so they can working it from home. I will continue to work on the poster at home, as our aim is to complete & submit everything by Friday night.0 Group 432Session 7: In today's session I was unable to attend the class in person due to being injured, but I had contact with my team as Danyal worked on the poster to complete it and I worked on the user manual as well to complete it. The next step is for us to finish off the Final Report that we have begun today, the poster I believe is just about finished as well. The I added some touch ups to the user manual as it needed some quick tweaks to it as well as a bit more information. Danyal shared the link to the final report which we will begin working on today and tomorrow as we plan to have it completed by Friday. So that in between we are to do the final things like the presentation and video demonstration and have that ready to submit by the weekend. This will leave us time to put in any small adjustments to our final videos. We still have quite a bit of work to do but I think it terms of progress we are not far behind.0 Group 131 would like to inform you about the recent updates we have made to our functional requirements and overall plan for the recommendation system. These modifications specifically pertain to the "Favoriting Games" functionality and the final recommendation feature.In response to the growing importance of the "Favoriting Games" function, we have invested additional effort to refine its implementation. Our aim is to create a user-friendly and seamless process for users to curate their favorite games, thus enhancing their overall engagement with the platform.Furthermore, I am excited to introduce the ultimate function of our recommendation system. This feature revolves around delivering tailored suggestions to users, based on their preferences. It not only highlights new and trending market releases but also aligns with users' individual tastes, resulting in a highly personalized experience. 0 Group 131Wrote an in-depth description and purpose of Functional Requirement 3: randomizer for the games recommendation system. Did some research on python code for the randomizer and tested it for functionality design. The colour palette, look and feel of the dialog box still needs some work. Developed the pseudocode for the Randomizer incorporating 6 genres if games: FPS, Horror, Racing, Family/Kids, Puzzle, Story and four different platforms: Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Steam/PC. Developed a sequence diagram for Randomizer. Next step is to work on use case diagram and expand on Non-functional requirements linked to the randomizer and include extra detail on risks and the steps to mitigate them. 0 Group 131Today in session8, I completed the timing diagram, pseudocode, and UI diagram design of the two main functions I was responsible for. My plan is to share my draft with Terry by the end of class tomorrow, so that I can revise my draft for the rest of the week and make up for any shortcomings. Because the account home page function cannot be considered in the main function, I decided to add the function reflected by the account home page to the use case diagram.0 Group 131Today in session7, I hope to add community discussion to our functional requirements, as Terry said, the functions of our product design are too monotonous. The community discussion function is a very suitable function for our products. Users can publish and browse posts about games in the community, which realizes mutual recommendation between users. But my group classmates didn't think it was a good feature, or it required too much work, so in the end this feature was abandoned. Next Monday is the submission time for the final product proposal, and we still have a lot of work to do. After the discussion, I made a note to be responsible for the detailed research of the two functions of the user homepage and the extensive search. Another achievement today is to make a use case diagram. I am thinking about how to add the administrator part to the use case diagram.0 Group 231In session 7 of Applied Project 1, our group was finally complete and we discussed about when we aim to do Applied Project 2 together. We have decided to do the 2nd unit of Applied Project next year 2024 semester 1. We have also received feedback from Terry to help our project improve. Each one of us focused on a task - I focused on doing the use case diagrams through lucidchart. I finished all the required use case diagrams for our functions at the end of the day. 0
4982023-08-1505:50:54Phasey3001 Group 231Could not make it to the classroom this day, however I still got some work done, I went through and made most of the sequence schematics.0 Group 231in today's session, I contributed to getting the final report document completed with my team members as we decided to complete the report by today. I worked on the system requirements review and system architecture. I took the responsibility to review our final report and make any further adjustments we needed to make. After completing the final report document and each member was satisfied, we all completed the contribution part. I also worked on the presentation PowerPoint and added the content for the slides. Our main goal for today was to get the final report document completed so that tomorrow we can get the other things done.0 Group 231session 7 = Today we worked on the report. We worked on finishing the report adding the remaining information that we need to add to the report for my part I was finish the system architecture part. For this I had to add images of the system meaning the pictures of the website page with proper description of what the page was for and what It. after finishing my part I worked on the references and the student contribution of the report. After which I worked with my team to proofread the report for final submission. I also worked with my team on their parts to help with anything they needed help with, and they helped me with parts as well wherever I needed help. After the completion of the report, we discussed what we need to discuss with our supervisor when we see him and the question, we will ask regarding anything that we might be missing. Also discussed on what software or website can be used for video editing for our demonstration Video. We also what will be included in the video and how the video should progress the layout of the video We will start working on the video demonstration in our next session.0 Group 231In today's session, we dedicated considerable effort to finalize the final report that encapsulates the entirety of our project. As part of the final report, we added user interface screenshots accompanied by briefly detailed descriptions for each page of our website. I briefed the non-functional requirements. We completed the contribution table that outlines the contributions made by each team member throughout the course of the project. On the website, I worked on enhancing the edit function. I watched a few videos to get a better understanding of how to get the edit button to work as I intend it to work. I tried exploring various actions of the edit button to see which works best for the function. I will discuss further about the function with my team tomorrow. I created the presentation slides for the final presentation and added relevant topics as a foundation, my team and I will continue to work on the final presentation in tomorrow's session.0 Group 631Session 7: Today, I wasn't able to finalise the final report as there are still screenshots missing, so I updated the peer review evaluation document to make it so that each member just has to fill it in. I also redid the application instruction manual section of the user manual by editing the screenshots of the application to have labels of each feature on each webpage. Because I labeled the features, I had to reorganise the way the instructions were structured and ended up changing the format of the entire section. I was able to redo the Welcome section, Login section, and Sign Up section.0 Group 631In session 8, I have been able to complete the poster for our Voice Translator project by fixing the layout, the font, rearranging some of the sections and changing the size of each elements....After asking for feedbacks from the team members on the poster, I ensured to send the poster to group chat as well as the google drive folder. Moreover, I spent time to fix up the code for the Guest page in both Dark and Light theme such as changing the title margin, ensuring the side bar to always be collapsed when app is launched, fixing the Log In and Sign Up link, etc. I also fixed the “Continue as Guest” link of the LoginPage by changing the margin top and the text colour. At the very end of this session, I worked on the Final report by adding Python IDE in the user interface descriptions part, rereading and editing this part to ensure it is formal writing.0 Group 130Today in our session we discussed the feedback Terry gave us. We needed to add more main functions and explain them clearer. We did think about the idea of community discussion however we agreed to beyond the scope considering the time frame for the project. We added three additional main functions: user favourites, time-based game length and also liked/matching items based on research from book and movie recommendation web sites. I decided to take on main functions 3 and 4 Randomizer(Platform(s), Genre(s), Recommend me NextGen/Recommend me Classic and Usre Rating System based on likes and dislikes. I will do some research on youtube tomorrow to get started. 0 Group 130Today in session7, I hope to add community discussion to our functional requirements, as Terry said, the functions of our product design are too monotonous. The community discussion function is a very suitable function for our products. Users can publish and browse posts about games in the community, which realizes mutual recommendation between users. But my group classmates didn't think it was a good feature, or it required too much work, so in the end this feature was abandoned. Next Monday is the submission time for the final product proposal, and we still have a lot of work to do. After the discussion, I made a note to be responsible for the detailed research of the two functions of the user homepage and the extensive search. Another achievement today is to make a use case diagram. I am thinking about how to add the administrator part to the use case diagram.0
4942023-08-1412:04:45Phasey3001 Group 230Today in Session 7 I spent the session communicating with my group members and completely reworked the functions writing them in a step by step ordering.0 Group 230In today's session, our team worked on the final report and I did the nonfunctional requirements, we all consulted each other as to what needs to be done on the final report and this report will be completed before Wednesday, so that on Wednesday we have some time to discuss with our supervisor about our report. i suggested that we can complete this report in our own time and tomorrow we can review each others work and make any amendments. we also discussed making the edit and cancellation buttons work on the website. After all hard work the buttons are working, I am very happy. we also decided that we will try to complete the presentation and video this week if we have enough time and final report doesn't take that long. 0 Group 230In today's session we Finished the User manual We had to add few items to the user guide about the different pages the website has. We wrote instructions on how to use these different pages of the website such as account or members page, we discussed their functionalities and uses and the steps one need to take to make the changes they want to make in their respective accounts. We also started working on the Final report and Set deadlines for when the Report should be finished by. We decided on what information we need to add to the report such a Project scope, System requirements, System architecture, challenges and problems etc. I mainly worked on the system Architecture which include information about the architecture of the website. to complete the architecture part, I am adding screenshot of the different pages of the website and will be giving a brief description of the screenshot. We also discussed about the video demonstration of our project and how to make and divided the roles of the team members. 0 Group 230In today's session, I worked on the edit function. I watched a few videos and read information on creating datasets and dynamic content pages to display user input. On the website, I created an edit page and added input fields for meeting name, meeting id, date and time. I created a dataset for storing user input. I then linked the input fields on the edit page to the dataset. I added two buttons on the page to save the changes or to cancel changes that are made on the edit page. I tested the function and it was successful. The date and time fields seemed to be causing some trouble while being displayed in the meetings table, I researched on how to fix it. I will work it in the next session. I made changes to the user manual for the edit function by adding in the steps and screenshots of the process of making desired changes to the details of a meeting. We worked on the final report for the project. I added the introduction, gave a brief review of functional and non-functional requirements, wrote about the challenges we faced while working on the project. 0 Group 630In session 7, I spent most of my time doing the poster for our Voice Translator project which includes editing the information, designing and deciding on the layout. I have managed to have all information that need to be put in the poster such as the database, technologies used and the intro. I'm also able to search and put logos for the technologies that we used into the poster. Moreover, I took at lot of time in moving some of the sections around to ensure that the poster is eye-appealing and easy to read. At the nearly end of this session, I spent time to fix up the code in the default translation page, the main page of the translator to ensure that the page stays fixed when we minimise or maximise the page itself.0
4802023-08-1104:52:3829Summary: The Footscray Foot Traffic project aimed to establish an efficient database structure and creating a report templates for enhanced data management. This summary provides a concise overview of achievements, challenges, and the immediate next steps for the project. Accomplishments: Successfully designed and implemented a comprehensive database structure based on the client's requirements. Created a versatile entity-relationship diagram (ERD) and established core tables, relationships, and data integrity measures. Developed functional report templates for various departments, ensuring consistency and flexibility. Challenges Overcome: Overcoming complexities in defining intricate data relationships within the database structure. Addressing dynamic data input challenges while designing standardized report templates. Optimizing query performance to ensure efficient report generation for complex data sets. 0 Group 129Session 6: Today was another day at home. However, I have started working on the group's poster for the project, which is one of the required documents to submit at the end of the unit. My group and I have stayed in touch today and I have given them updates on my work progress which included finishing the Technical User Manual and starting the design of the group poster. I have looked at the sample poster for inspiration and have conveyed my thoughts and ideas to the group about what the poster should look like via mock-ups through Discord. They are happy with the progress and I will continue working on it through the weekend, before our planned meeting on Sunday. Regarding the video and presentation, we are holding off on those until we feel that our Footscray website deliverables are fully completed and tested. Ashish and Khan are working on that aspect of the project while I am finishing off the other documents for the project. Overall, I am happy with the progress being made and hope to continue working on the poster and then helping out the rest of the group with the website, and then the rest of the documents (video, presentation.)0 Group 129In today's session me and khan worked on the final report as I completed the introduction and the he functional and nonfunctional requirements while we did that we consulted that we would need to get most of the report done by at least next week Tuesday and made a plan to have meetings on Monday or Tuesday to work on it collaboratively and finalise the document as well as that we made a plan to review the user manual that Alex did but weren’t able to as we worked on the report after I discussed with khan that we should review the work in our own time as it would be better or wait till we finish all the work on final report. As well as that we discussed that some sections of the final report will be done together by me and khan. Overall I am happy with the progress being made and As a group we discussed that we would need to get the report within next week and start on the video, presentation and the poster after we have finished the final document.0 Group 129Session 6: In today’s session, I continued to expand on the Final Report specifically the Challenges and Limitations section. Again, I believe this section of the document has a lot to write about especially when our group has encountered so many problems in the past and even in the last few sessions of NEF3002. Some of the sections I worked on was the challenges and limitations of the database and collaboration on the replicated website. I also started spending time configuring the data correlation page by cleaning up the different titles of the data correlation layers, changing the size of the page ratio, changing the filter buttons and text, and coming up with different possible designs on how to display the data correlation tools. I spent this time tidying up the data correlation pages and making it user friendly and easy to read and use. I was able to adjust the design of the correlation tools by thinking critically at how our clients of users of the webpage would think if they were to use the websites functionalities. I also had my group member Ash and other members from other groups to give me feedback on how it looks. One even mentioned that one of the pages I had designed looked pleasing. My group member Alex has finished majority of the User Manual and has moved on to creating the e-poster. I will hopefully be assisting him in creating the e-poster but for now I am giving him hints on how to create the e-poster. All the work put into the e-poster up until this point is all Alex’s work. From the end of today’s session till the end of Tuesday next week, we will most definitely be finished with the Final Report, User Manual, the creation of our projects heatmap and data correlation tools and the e-poster or at least we hope so. When session 7 starts, we will most likely be working on the demo video.0 Group 329Today, I continued working on the suburb filter for the correlation chart. Since I completed the PHP file, fetch_total_spend.php, yesterday, I was able to retrieve the total spending data to show on the chart. Now, I'm working on the foot traffic data for display. I needed to modify the fetch_foot_traffic.php file so that each suburb only selects specific movement data from the sensor locations closest to the specified suburb. I accomplished this by correlating it using the sensorID. After completing this step, I proceeded to modify the HTML/JavaScript code to display the new foot traffic data linked to the selected suburb. The goal was to show only foot traffic data from the chosen suburb, while displaying all data if the "All" filter was selected. I successfully achieved this for the correlation graph. Next, I started modifying the Duration filter to include a calendar option. This enhancement allows users to select a date range for the displayed data, as suggested by Khandakar. Although I am still in the process of implementing this feature, I plan to have it completed by tomorrow.0 Group 329Session 6: First thing I did was update my device as it needed to updated while that was happening, I helped Raymond with deciding what to use to create the database layout diagram for our report we decided to use LUCID chart once he was set I went back to filling out the UI section of the report specifically the discontinued heatmap as I did not finish it yesterday. Then I took the screenshots of the traffic map then I typed up the supporting paragraphs for said screenshots I took 3 screenshots of the traffic map I spoke about the geographical map the legend the 2 filter and the markers and described how it all worked visually after that I went to add more to the challenges and problems section which I talked about our miscommunication throughout the length of the project, our issues with installation/replication of the website, I also suggested solution to communication this took up much of the session time0 Group 429In session 6, my group and i started proccessing the data we recieved from Tawhid. We had to copy the data on excel and incode to them to make them neat. Thereafter, we uploaded the data into the heatmap & the correlations graphs in which completes the datasets. We completed everything related to the heamap & data corerelations, later on 2 started working on the poster using canva software which is a creative and sharable platform used for creating posters, boards and many more. As for the user's manual, the design of the poster is finsihed and it is nealy completed the information input. As for the user's manual, is left for homework over the weekend with the final touches on the poster. 0 Group 429Session 6, we had to spend a lot of time to come in and start downloading the parking occupancy data, Our focus for today was to finish the website, but as we had to spend a lot of time getting the parking occupancy data downloaded. I then had to merge the data and clean all data to make it useable for our project. While we shared the work to not fall behind, we are in progress of developing the Project Poster which is handled mainly by Danyal for designing and the work is prompted by Myself. We are aim to work over the weekend and finish the project poster by the upcoming Monday 14/08. I've managed to start developing the web link as well for our project where the designing will be handled by me. I've started to progress by editing the data into google sheets and merge with our original editing tools looker studio, where the designing and editing is in final progress. Goal for weekend to complete the website and finalise as much as possible. Finalise poster as well as Project User Manual, and get a bit starting for Final Report.0 Group 429Session 6: In todays session my group and I managed to get the data and clear it up as Tawhid had sent it to us as promised yesterday. We are currently implementing the data into the website whilst starting on the user manual as well as the poster. The poster design is nearing completion and we are looking to add our information to it and finish it off by this weekend along with the user manual, so that we can spend the next week completing the final report, Presentation Slides and lastly the demonstration video. So that by next weekend we are completed with all the work and we are able to do our final touch ups before we need to present on week 4. I'd say we are on a decent time line at the moment, we could be much ahead but we are also not too far behind. Tonight's focus for when I get home is to complete my section of the poster as well as well as complete the user manual part. 0 Group 128Session 5: Today I worked on the Technical Aspect of the User Manual from home since I was feeling ill. However, lots of progress was made on the document such as implementing steps and pictures on guiding users who wish to replicate and use XAMPP in the future on their own machines. I'd say about 50% of the work has been done, and I plan to do more today and tomorrow. I stayed in contact with my teammates via Discord and discussed with them my plans for the rest of the day and helped them out on the final report by giving them points about the difficulties and challenges we faced during this project. In order to write this Technical User Manual, I am re-following the steps needed to reproduce the Footscray Smart City website while taking screenshots along the way in order to make it easier to follow. In the future when the user manual has been checked, we plan on working on the other documents of the project which include the Poster, Video and presentation. But for now, I am deeply focused on getting both user manuals fully completed by the end of the week. The group members plan to meet sometime on the weekend to compile all of the work we have set out to do by the end of this week. From there, we will discuss doing the other parts of the project (video, presentation, etc).0 Group 128In today's session we were given task by khan our group leader to complete he said i need to clean up all the database sheets and rename the files and sheets to make them more appropriate as well as to finalise averages for google my maps markers by adding photos to each hotspot location with the data from the database and i have made good progress by being able to finish that part of the project as well as that khan wanted to add a drop down menu so that he can filter one of the axis so he can show the Correlation scatter plot instead of having multiple graphs so i decided to help khan with that we researched on finding solution to address this problem but we weren't able to fix and we moved on to work on the report, in the report i continued by helping khan brainstorm the challenges and limitations we had during our project as well as that i continued on the introduction for our report. As a group we discussed that we would need to get the report and user manual within this week and next to start on the video, presentation and the poster. 0 Group 128Session 5: In today’s session, I continued working on the Final Report document. There was a lot of information that was added to the Final Report document specifically the Challenges and Limitations section of the document. Working on the Final Report and on the Correlation Tool took the most time during this session. While continuing with writing up the Final Report, Ash and I were brainstorming all the different problems and limitations our group had. The list Ash and I brainstormed about ended up containing many different topics of where we had the most challenges and difficulty during the creation of our project. I have discussed with my group today that our goal by the end of this week or by Session 7 is that we get the Final Report, the User Manual and both our Heatmap and Correlation tools completed so that we can move on to the other assignments that needs to get done which includes the e-poster and the demo video. All group members including myself will continue to work on our assigned work tonight and tomorrow until it is completed.0 Group 328For today, I worked more on getting the Suburb filter to work on the Foot Traffic and Total Spending Correlation graph. I was struggling, as I needed to find a way for the filter dropdown button to link with the table names based on the suburb. This took most of my time during this session, but through trial and error, I was able to get the query to work for the fetch_total_spend.php file. This allows the data to be categorized based on the suburb while maintaining the total for all suburbs on the specific dates. Afterward, I worked on displaying the queried data on the current correlation graph, where I also struggled. I was finally able to get the linking to work as well as display a visual on the total spending for the selected suburb. In the next session, I plan to get the foot traffic bar to display. I need to correlate the foot traffic data depending on the sensor location to align with the different suburb types.0 Group 328Progress Report: Debugging and Fixing HTML Code for Data Visualization Date: 10/08/2023 Objective: Debug and fix HTML code for data visualization of Footscray's foot traffic and total spending correlation after 5 pm. Summary of Actions Taken: Dropdown Selection for Suburb: Added a dropdown menu for selecting the suburb (West Footscray, Footscray, Seddon). Associated an onchange event with the dropdown to trigger the chart update when a suburb is selected. Dropdown Selection for Duration: Added a dropdown menu for selecting the duration (10, 20, 30 days). Linked an onchange event with the dropdown to trigger the chart update based on the selected duration. Data Tables for Each Suburb: Created a suburbTableMap object to map each suburb to its corresponding data table names. Used this mapping to fetch data for the selected suburb. Fetching Data from Server: Modified the fetchData function to log the URL being fetched. Modified the fetchData function to handle errors and display appropriate error messages. Update Chart Function: Created an updateChart function to fetch data for the selected suburb and update the chart. Utilized the fetchData function to fetch total spending and foot traffic data for the selected suburb. Used Promise.all to fetch both datasets concurrently and then update the chart. Initializing Default Chart: Initialized the chart with default values (West Footscray, 10 days) upon page load. Created the chart instance and set its properties (labels, datasets, options). Data Normalization and Chart Creation: Created a createChart function to normalize data and update the chart with new data. Normalized data to make it visually comparable. Filtered data based on the selected duration. Updated chart data with normalized total spending and foot traffic values. Data Fetching and Error Handling: Modified the fetching of total spending and foot traffic data to use correct URLs. Improved error handling in fetching data, displaying error messages when data cannot be fetched. Results: The HTML code has been successfully debugged and updated to fetch and display data for the selected suburb and duration. The chart now shows the correlation between foot traffic and total spending after 5 pm in Footscray for the chosen parameters.0 Group 328Session 5:Assisted Raymond change the width of the scatterplot economy chart since when in WordPress it was cut off since it was to big now it fits on the webpage the width is now set to 60 Then i assisted in changing the code for the scatter plot for the float to include the date. Then I went back to working on the report I needed to make the introduction better then I went on to technologies used and briefly started that until I was interrupted Created a folder on google drive so we can store and work on everything that is required for applied project 2 Received some advice from other students who showed up for open day I decided to add in some more and remove sections to the reports content i removed the scope as does not seem to be needed and i took some content from the introduction and moved it to the challenges section as it would be redundant to have it twice I Started to take screenshots for the report of what i can currently take pictures of as i don’t have access to all of the final versions of the graphs. I started taking pictures on the discontinued block heatmap but after i was done taking the pictures and started writing the initial paragraph i realised that i did not use the latest version of the code for the discontinued heatmap so i had to remove all the screen shots and take new ones once i set up the heatmap correctly for the latest version of the code and then started typing up the descriptive paragraphs for screen shot. I then took a break to get some fresh air And then continued typing up the descriptive paragraphs for the block heatmap while i was doing that the students from the open day spoke to us again and made some more points then Ralp asked me to to briefly start the challenges section to point out issues we had such as we were requested to filter the data for 3 categories Pedestrian Cyclist and Vehicles and to mention that the data is not precise enough since we believe there to be a lack of sensors and suggest they add in more sensors around the Footscray area 0 Group 428In session 5, we were working on the incomplete heatmap and the data correlations on, where it was not completed due to our group lacking some data figures in which we could not get access to. As we discussed with Assefa, he adviced us to wait for when Tawhid shows up to class to disccuss it with him. When he showed up, we diiscussed our project's data goal and highlighted that we want more in the data for more details. He decided to email us later on in regards to the extra data. We decided to work on the other parts of the project til we recieve the data. We focused on working on the poster for now until we recive the data and start editing it on lookerstudio as a fianl part before uploading it to the localhost site. Towards the end of the class we planned that we are going to do part of the User Mnaual as homework and work on both User Manual & Poster on session 6. 0 Group 428Session 5: We made progress and were able to finish the graphs but as my focus was on heat map some changes, added the search bar so it can allow the coordinators to get them specific location of a single or multiple suburbs as required. We had some issues accessing the data where the other groups in our class were facing the same issue, where we consulted we Assefa and had a chat and him indicating to us that the data we are trying to acquire is very important to our project and we should work forward towards the completion. I then contacted our project Supervisor Tawhid who came by and tried to fix some local host or some access issues in order to make the data working for us. But after multiple tries it wasn't still working. Then Tawhid agreed to provide us limited access to the server which will allow us to download the parking occupancy data. We aim to download the data tonight or tomorrow and finish the final heat map, (understanding due to the restrictions we couldn't finish as per our deadline to made) but aim to do it by the end of tomorrow. We will still have our goal as set yesterday for tomorrow to start working on User Manual, Poster while we also started to brainstorm today regarding how and what we'll be adding in our presentation, final report, user manual, poster and how we will be designing our website by giving to modern basic look but informative.0 Group 428Session 5: In today's session I asked my team members what they were able to finish since yesterday and they have done a great job at fixing their xampp issues that they were having and they are now able to have the website running on their local hosts. Today we were able to work on finalizing our Heatmaps & Correlation Graphs, I spoke with Dr Assefa for some assistance in regards to the data we were provided for parking as we were able to access it before but were no longer able to in which he advised us to email Dr Tawhid so we did. Tawhid then came and informed us that he has revoked our access to the live website where we were collecting our parking data. He then tried to figure out a way to see if we had the data provided to us but he couldn't find any, then he told us he would send us the data we needed later today. I have also begun on the user manual that we are doing in order to try and finish it my tomorrow or by this weekend. We also have delegated our parts on all the project works. 0 Group 628Session 6: Today, I resized the database layout diagram and inserted it into the final report. I also added more in the challenges/problems section to include the difficulties of collaborating on the application when using a local database and only having it on one device to test and edit the code. In the user interface section, I added some of the screenshots of the application and edited some of the descriptions, along with changing the format to figure, figure caption, and then description (previously description, figure, then figure caption). I edited the application system explanation section to more formal wording and added the figure references to all of the descriptions. There are only a few more screenshots to input and then I can enter the number pages for the list of figures and fix the final report document to be ready for submission, minus the student contribution section.0 Group 628In session 6, I have done some more research on the poster through the sample and the internet to for the inspirations and ideas on the technology poster. After the research, I spend time working on the design, layout and information for the poster. I have managed to do put in the title, the intro, technologies used and some screenshots from the web app. I continued to fix and add the descriptions and relative information into the poster. I also tried to ensure that the font, the layout and design of the poster is eye-appealing. Moreover, I fixed some code on the Light Page and Settings page to make sure that the background of this two is the same with each other. 0 Group 127Session 6: Main parts of report finally completed. Functional and Non-functional requirements listed, detailed and completed. Drafting timeline/schedule to add to final report at a later time and just have student contribution table left to fill out, then document will be submitted by the end of the day.0 Group 127Final touch 2 functions and grantt chart ,so how to 2 functions work :The "Random Game Generator Button" is a feature on the user's account homepage that offers spontaneous gaming experiences based on their selected platforms. When clicked, it uses the user's chosen platforms to randomly suggest a game aligned with their preferences. This is done using an algorithm that selects a game from the chosen platforms at random. The "Dual Game Selection Menu" is another feature where users input two game titles they like. If the games share a genre (e.g., both are FPS games), the system suggests the top five games of that genre. If there's no thematic connection, the user is shown a default list of the top ten recommended games based on their preferences and genres, ensuring a personalized gaming journey for each user. 0 Group 127We changed the broad search based on platform and type search to keyword search. When there is no suitable returned result in the database, the system will still return the recommended result.0 Group 127In session 6,we finally finish the sample project plan. Today I further refined the functional and non-functional requirements for extensive search, which are more clearly presented in the project plan. I will contribute more in the next part. Regarding the use case diagram and sequence diagram in the next section, I have clarified the main direction today. I decided to use the software ProcessOn. Before using software to make, I will use paper and pen to draw, which is more convenient for me to modify.0 Group 227In session 6 of Applied Project 1, we have received the feedback and a sample document of how we should be able to explain each functions in our project. The feedback and sample explanation helped me understand how I should be explaining and defining every main functions we have. From this, we will talk about how we can re-do and improve our functions. 0 Group 227In session 5 of Applied Project 1, I mainly focused on the feedback of our project plan submission. We have learned that our functions were not explained thoroughly. Also, our group is finally complete and present. Moving forward we will be able to put more effort, work, and productivity into our project. 0 Group 127Session 4: Today consisted of finishing off the user manual for the report. I Added in the remaining pictures, text and documentation explaining how to use our new functionality on the Footscray Smart City Website. On another day closer to the due date, we plan to read over and consult our assessor, Dr. Assefa Teshome, in order for him to go over most of our reports and make sure the titles and content makes sense. When meeting with Assefa today, he mentioned that we need to procure 2 user manuals: one for people who wish to USE our functionality (i.e. the Footscray smart city website), and one for people who wish to REPLICATE or SETUP the underlying technical aspects of the project such as: how to set up an Apache Server, how to setup a MySQL PhPmyadmin database, how to import the data provided by the council, how to access the Wordpress website, which version of XAMPP to install, where the webpages are located within the system files, etc. The template for that was started today within Google Docs, just like the other reports. My goal for the next session is to continue working on the User Manual for those who wish to replicate the technical aspect of our project. This will mainly be done on campus and home, since I can take pictures of the steps to accompany the setup at home, and on campus, I can write the instructions on the Google Docs report. 0 Group 127In today's session i continued work i did from the weekend which was averaging out all the WiFi data so that we could put it on the google my map this was because i couldn't find a way to either make a timeline or have a filter for the date so when we had a discussion with assefa last week he mention that we could put the average data but when i was averaging the data out i remembered that we couldn't use the spendmap data to make it average as it would all have the same average for all the location so we decided to put only the average data for the WiFi data from our date range with is 24 April 2020 to 24 May 2020 and we decided to choose only four categories which are Unique Visitors, Average Dwell Time,New Users and Repeat Users and also me and khan had made some progress on the report as we started to do the final report i started on the introduction as khan did other bits within the document.My goal for next session is to get most of the final report data finished as well as help khan fix the correlation tool within looker studio. 0 Group 127Session 4: After session 3 had ended, I went home and did some more work on the heatmap program of our application. Some new additional features that were added was reconnecting the spreadsheet to Looker Studio so that it displayed all the data that was originally from the MySQL database. The settings for the plugin that was used to link the MySQL database to the Spreadsheet to Looker Studio called was changed so that whenever the spreadsheet refreshes it only changes a specified number of columns rather than the entire spreadsheet because I also went into the spreadsheet and added a Latitude and Longitude column which was originally on the previously used database which was static rather than dynamic like the newly implemented dynamic spreadsheet that connects from the MySQL database that houses all the updated data that our sponsors will use. Another thing that I worked on after the end of session 3 was that I worded on one part of the final report which was the challenges and limitations section. I have only added 2-3 different challenges and limitations, but they were lengthy explanations which goes in depth on what we could and couldn’t do specifically for the heatmap part of the project. Of course, there will be more added later during the duration of creating everything for our project but right now we need to finish off the data correlation tool which should have been done last week or even before the block started. My goal for this week in sessions 4-6 is that I finish off the data correlation tool part of the project so that our group can focus on the documentation and creation of the other assignments such as the e-poster and demo video. My group will also make it their goals to finish their own assigned tasks that I have assigned them to. During today’s session, I focused on adding and adjusting the layout of the data correlation tool by changing the width and height of the Looker Studio application itself and the embed code itself by changing a few values in the line of code. I also worked on adding more information on the Final Report specifically the Challenges and Limitations section of the document. While it seems like there is heaps of information already written for that section, there is still many different Challenges and Limitations that I can think of and more that I want to include in the document that our group has encountered throughout the creation of the project. After this session ends today, I will continue to work on the Challenges and Limitations section of the document and brainstorm the numerous different encounters our group has experienced then apply the brainstormed knowledge in written form for the Final Project document.0 Group 227In today's session, the group had a discussion about how we can complete the user manual such as what the table of contexts will include rather than having unrelated information. I created the user manual document and then shared it with my team members so that they could contribute to the document. Once the user manual was completed I took the chance to review the document to see if there were any mistakes or errors which needed to be fixed. I also worked on the introduction, adding to the user website guide, and troubleshooting. We are still facing issues with getting the edit meeting button to work but still, it hasn't been working. I watched some videos and investigated as to how we can get the edit button to work. I have started on the final report. 0 Group 227Today We started working on the user manual. We had a discussion among out team and about what should be in the User manual. After making a decision we decided to work on separate parts so we can finish the work quickly and then double check each other's works to make sure there are no mistakes. We worked on the website a little as well as we are trying to figure out how to get our database to display time in our table from the dataset. Moreover, we watched the Demonstration video as well to get an idea of what needs to be included in our own demonstration video. We watched few YouTube videos to decide on the background Music for the video, but nothing was finalized yet. User manual was completed, and we will start working on the final report and demonstration video in the next session. Working in on the User Manual I worked on the How to use the website writing in the steps that you can take to use the website. I also worked on the trouble shooting of the website providing examples. 0 Group 227In today's session, we worked on the user manual. I worked on the website overview, wrote steps to show how to connect to our website, steps to show how to to sign up on the website, log in steps, and steps showing how to start a meeting. I added screenshots of the website pages for the steps that required them. Then my teammate and I finalized the user manual. Then we worked on the functionality of the website. We still haven't figured how to let the user edit meeting details. We also realized that the table of meetings was not displaying accurate dates of meetings based on the user input. We tried different functions in different ways. After trying out a few functions, we got the table to display accurate dates of the meetings. I watched a few videos to get a better understanding of linking a dataset and displaying dynamic contents on the website page. Then I made a few changes to the schedule meeting page as there were typos. I changed the time settings to get a drop-down menu with time slots of 30 minute difference for the user to choose. We will continue to try and fix the edit details issue in the next session.0 Group 327This diary entry is for Tuesday, 8/8/2023. My team decided to have a meeting on this day because Shivneel and I couldn't attend the Friday class. In the meeting, I worked on creating the filters for the Foot Traffic and Total Spending Correlation graph. The filters I planned to develop were based on what Khandakar suggested in the previous session. These filters include the Suburb filter, which allowed the data to display Total Spending in the selected suburb. The next filter would be the Hours Filter. This filter will allow the data to display Foot Traffic and Total Spending during All-Hours, Work Hours, and Non-Work Hours. The last filter would be to change the Duration Filter into a calendar-based filter, allowing data to be selected depending on the dates chosen. I started off with the Suburb filter. While trying to progress through this functionality, I faced issues with trying to get the correct query, which took up most of my time during the meeting. I needed to link the button to each table as it correlated with the suburbs. I faced many errors during the meeting and hopefully would be able to progress through to the next functionalities.0 Group 327Today, I continued working on setting up my laptop environment. I began by importing the original pages we had created into WordPress. These pages included the Heatmap (Discontinued), Traffic Map, and Economy Chart. I completed this task while also documenting the process for the Smart City Manual. Additionally, I took the initiative to correct the names in the economy_data database. Previously, it was spelled as "enconmychart." I rectified this by renaming both the data entries and the corresponding tables. The changes were made to align with the naming conventions used in the Excel files provided by the City Council. Following this, I organized all the SQL files related to the database into a single folder, which I then handed over to my fellow group members. Subsequently, I proceeded to set up the Heatmap (Discontinued) page, carefully documenting each step in the manual. Similarly, I repeated this process for the Traffic Map and Economy Chart pages. To establish the website functionalities, including the Heatmap (Discontinued), Traffic Map, and Economy Chart, I integrated a custom folder into the smartcity directory. This folder contained the necessary PHP files for querying the database to ensure the proper functioning of these features on the website. After that, I modified the "fetch_total_spend.php" file to work with the renamed database and tables. Following this, I began working on the functionalities that Khandakar had suggested, such as adding filters for the suburb, time, and calendar date.0 Group 327Session 3 diary, As I was unwell due to eye issues Ralp, Raymond and I conducted a make up session on the 8/8/2023 to catch up on the work we would have done. The work I specifically caught up on was finishing up the functionalities of the traffic map (geographical heatmap) the first function I finished was the category filter for Cyclist and Pedestrian in a previous session I had fixed it so the markers would calculate the correct total for their own category but the total did not calculate so I completed that. I then fixed the for loop code Asseffa had taught us how to do for the colour gradient of the heatmap instead of it being all the colours of the rainbow it is now green to red the issues with the code was that there was a syntax error more specifically a missing bracket so now the colour gradient is dynamic. And finally, the last functionality that needed to be done was the legend as it did not reflect the correct colour gradient now it does before it was all the colours of the rainbow now its goes to green to red. During the session I also provided my input on what Raymond and Ralp were doing with the economy charts 0 Group 327Since I finished up the missing functions of the heatmap e.g. legend, for loop for the colour gradient and fixed the category filter the other day I went on to start the report I created a template for the report which was based on the sample that was given in the future we may have to remove sections depending on the supervisor specifications and then I uploaded it to a google doc so my teammates will be able to work on it at the same time. I gave Raymond minor assistance with the economy chart assisted him by discussing on what to change the title to as is currently dynamically changing based on the filter selection made, I assisted him with making a static one which we ended up keeping the dynamic title in the end. Went back to working on the template to see what I can add and remove because some section may be redundant. I decided on who would work on what section of the report. Then I typed up the introduction did not finish went to go get some lunch around 11:30 when I got back, I continued to fill out the rest introduction mentioning the database and what data we used specifically Then I added in scope in the template as we might need that will need to ask supervisor if we keep this section in the report and then with the last few minutes of the session I typed up this session diary. 0 Group 427In today's class, my group and i worked on the data on looker charts as we planned in yesterday's (07/09/2023) meeting as we lanned on what to do for today's class by seperating the roles of what each group memeber is going to do, to catch up with class. Jatin was implemnting the heatmap on Looker Charts and trying to add it on elementor, whereas i was uploading the data into Looker Charts. Upon successful upload i started working on it. I have understood to a certain extent on how to use Looker Chart using Test Reports, i started working on the data visualisuation. After finishing with data charts and visualisations, i tried to copy/paste the Embed Code into the localhost, but could not access to localhost/smartcity/wp-admin/, where it shows a message saying 'you do not have access to this page', while asking our classmtes regarding the issue our group found out that we have beeing using the wtong smart_city file, therefater fixing the issue the localhost was working normally. Towards the end of the class we discussed about our weekly plans regarding the project, we decided to continue working on the data at home as well as at them to elementor by tonight. As for the project's direction, our plans are to be finishing the website by this week's Thursday night and work on user's manual & video on Friday.0 Group 427Session 4: Today we were still getting some errors with the local host but after getting some consultation we were able to fix and make our local host working. We spent time on working on final progress of heat map from my side. The heat map is nearly done while I just need to add in the another data into to the Looker Studio platform that we are using to develop the heat map while with the secondary data type, we will try to blend the original spending data with parking numbers to present correlation information. With my team member Danyal is working on final stages to in the data and on almost completion to present the data in different formats such as stack bar or line bar or data tables. Our aim to be the finished with the website and the end of Tomorrow night and to have all data types, such as heat map, tables and correlations responding and working on every page and we have designed to do so. As we were struggling with some components not working we had to fix the certain issues over and over again that lead us behind in progress than everyone else. We are on track but will require to give some extra time and focus to our work in order to finish on time. We will aim to have our User Manual and Project video completed while to begin development of Final Report, and Presentation by the end of upcoming weekend. 0
4492023-08-0811:43:0026In today's session, we worked on the poster. We changed the layout of the poster, added screenshots of our website, a screenshot of the use case diagram and a screenshot of the flowchart of our website's functionality. We created a QR code for our website and added it in the poster. Our supervisor (Gitesh) joined us and gave us suggestions for the poster. According to his advice, we shortened the introduction of the website, shortened the functional and non-functional requirements by only mentioning the key points. We then worked on the website's functionality. We worked on the 'edit meeting details' function. I created a table to show the list of scheduled meetings which would be scheduled by the user.0
4422023-08-0806:06:0926In session 5, I have spend some times on the main translation page to fix up the sidebar toggle button to ensure that the sidebar only appear when users click on the button, not when its first launch. I then continued on the User Interface description part of the Final Report. I have manage to write all of the descriptions for each pages of our web app. Moreover, I also helped my team member, Blake to fix up the Default Translation Page such as adding more Icons to the static files, editing the code to ensure that the Icons appear when the page is launched, fixing the text box size.... I then made similar changes in the Translation Light Page since they both share the same features but in different theme mode. 0 Group 126Session 5: Final sections of the report. More clarity on functional, main-function and non-functional requirements. Finalised list of the previously mentioned. More work and detail added to the timeline, schedule Gantt chart has been created and will be added to the report. Final draft to be emailed to Terry by this afternoon. 0 Group 126We meticulously established both our functional and non-functional requirements to provide a well-defined foundation at the outset of our project. I undertook the responsibility of developing two key functionalities: the randomization button and the recommendation button for two games. These combined functions generate a curated list or a singular game suggestion by analyzing commonalities between the input games. In the absence of such similarities, the system returns users to the home page with a message indicating the unavailability of matching games.0 Group 126Worked on writing more specific details on functional requirements on sign up process and edit profile. WDid some reseaerch on my own Discord account page to get ideas for layout. Then submitted onto the group Google Doc. After discussing with the team and reviewing the sample project plan document it came to light I had too much detail. Worked as a team to describe 4 main functional requirements based on discussion with Terry and also he stated the project plan wasn't helpful as the ideas points in Functional Requirements were too brief. 0 Group 126The focus of today's work is still on functional and non-functional research. The biggest problem I exposed is that the description of functions is not clear enough, so today our team re-divided labor to complete this part. I am responsible for login, registration, visitor browsing and broad search. The problem arises in the function of extensive search. When the user enters keywords, how to get an accurate response from the database. For example, if the user enters a series of games, what conditions are the returned results based on. Perform basic verification on the keywords entered by the user at the front end to ensure that the entered content is valid and meets the requirements. According to the keyword, match in the database. This can use various algorithms and techniques such as full text search, string matching. The search results are filtered and sorted according to the matching degree, and the sorting order is based on the matching degree first, followed by the recommendation index. Return filtered and sorted search results to the frontend. The search results are displayed in the form of a list, and each result includes information such as game name, picture, recommendation index, applicable age, game type, and applicable platform.0 Group 226In today's session, our team discussed how we can set the e-poster layout and what further actions we need to take to complete the e-poster completely. I spent time working on the appearance of the flowchart and use case diagram as the e-poster as per our supervisor's suggestions and can not have all the diagrams that we have documented in our previous PDFs, in the previous session we had a discussion on what type of diagrams we will use but we didn't quite confirm the diagrams. We had Gitesh join us during our meeting and he gave us feedback about the website and what changes we need to make and this helped us to make sure we are on the right track. I gave my feedback as to how we should lay out the e-poster because all the information was just floating around. Gitesh told us about a test plan, but we were unsure We did some research into this and asked Terry to clarify. I worked with Parget and Samreen to save meetings and edit the meeting as this function was not working previously, We had a chat amongst us and tried different options within Wix to make it work. Also started on the user manual, but we will be discussing all this tomorrow as today was planned to complete the e-poster completely before moving on to the next stage which is the user manual.0 Group 226In today's session we worked on finishing the e poster. we converted the information in the poster to dot point to make it easier to understand and convey the message in simpler format. We also discussed in the team about which snap shots to use to provide relevant understanding through visual presentation and which sort of information should be provided with the snapshots. we also had a meeting with our supervisor in the meeting we discussed our plan for the coming week and what progress we hope to have achieved and by which date. we also decided on the meeting time for next week ensuring that we have ample time to finish the required documents. plus ample to make any changes necessary after the feedback from the supervisor. We also discussed and started working on the user manual but it's still in its early stages. We decided on a timeline for us as well. 0 Group 626Session 5 included updating the Final Report, making sure challenges/problems correctly matched what actually happened throughout the past few months; it included the updating and bug fixing of the current code and HTML to make sure things run more smoothly and make sure each button works in the intended way and finally it included the completion the Chapter 3 in the User Manual (step-by-step usage of the application itself). Very briefly went through an adventure into figuring out how to make the application work on heroku (free web hosting service with limited hours of usage).0 Group 626Session 5: Today, I completed the database layout diagram, I just need to resize it for the final report. I also wrote out the challenges and problems for the final report into paragraphs, instead of bullet points. I was able to finish the list of figures as well and formatted it properly, however, I will need to input the page numbers when the report is complete. I also edited the application system explanation to standardise the report and fixed all the figure captions. I helped Hope with the user interface descriptions by suggesting what should be put in there and how to lay it out.0 Group 626In session 5, I have spend some times on the main translation page to fix up the sidebar toggle button to ensure that the sidebar only appear when users click on the button, not when its first launch. I then continued on the User Interface description part of the Final Report. I have manage to write all of the descriptions for each pages of our web app. Moreover, I also helped my team member, Blake to fix up the Default Translation Page such as adding more Icons to the static files, editing the code to ensure that the Icons appear when the page is launched, fixing the text box size.... I then made similar changes in the Translation Light Page since they both share the same features but in different theme mode.0 Group 726Session 3: During session 3, my focus was on enhancing the overall functionality and appearance of our project. I delved into researching the intricacies of terms of use and privacy policies, successfully drafting comprehensive documents for our website. Integrating them seamlessly into the Python code, I ensured a polished presentation with added features like a Home button and a user-friendly menu bar.To elevate user experience, I introduced a scroll-up button, optimizing page navigation. Seamlessly connecting pages was paramount, and I meticulously addressed any issues. Collaboratively, I also supported Blake in refining the Sign Up Page interface, achieving visual harmony by centring elements, modifying backgrounds, and improving form input styles. Still need supports from my supervisor.0 Group 726Session 2: Harry is currently working on integrating the feature information mentioned above into the project's website using Python code. The goal is to ensure that the content is accurately represented and organized for users. By leveraging Python's web development capabilities, Harry aims to create an interactive and user-friendly interface that aligns with the project's objectives.The project itself revolves around the utilization of ChatGPT/GPT API to extract psychology-related knowledge. The website will serve as a platform for users, particularly cybersecurity developers, to inquire and communicate about mental health topics. With the inclusion of a Content Management System (CMS), the website will effectively manage user interactions and inquiries.0 Group 726Session 1: Today, I encountered an issue while trying to fix the Table of Contents for our project. The formatting seems to be disrupted, causing the sections and their corresponding page numbers to appear improperly aligned. The introductory sections, including Functional Requirements, Non-functional Requirements, Project Scope, Users, and Use Cases, are not displaying correctly. Additionally, the ER Diagram, User Interface, Gantt Chart, FlowChart, Pseudocode, and Resources Required sections are affected. This formatting problem hinders the document's readability and professionalism. I am working to resolve this issue promptly to ensure the document accurately represents our project's structure and content.0 Group 125Session 4: The report was divvied up more accordingly to each member and we're finalising the project plan for submission today. We had a draft plan until now and today our task as a group is to add thorough detail to each section of the plan especially for the functional and non-functional requirements. We have made a plan to correspond out of class hours this afternoon for finishing touches and final submission. 0 Group 125Session 4: The report was divvied up more accordingly to each member and we're finalising the project plan for submission today. We had a draft plan until now and today our task as a group is to add thorough detail to each section of the plan especially for the functional and non-functional requirements. We have made a plan to correspond out of class hours this afternoon for finishing touches and final submission. 0 Group 125Today we collaborated on final touches for project plan to be submitted tonight. I worked on rewriting the functional requirements provided by Abdullah to make them more concise and formal for inclusion in the project plan. I also created a Gantt chart for our project milestones. I added an additional functional requirement for availability. 0 Group 125During the session 4, our group basically completed the design of the project plan. More progress today lies in the planning of the timetable, and we have further clarified the progress of the entire project. In addition, through the communication with Terry today, I have a newer understanding of functional requirements and non-functional requirements.0 Group 225In session 4 of Applied Project 1, we have almost done our project plan and put most of our content. We have also made changes to our functions. I mainly focused on our use case diagram and description and resource management. After finalizing our content, I will begin editing our document and submit once completed.0
4292023-08-0704:33:10Phasey3001 Group 225Today During Session 4 I proceeded to create the Sequence moch ups and added descriptions to each as well as adding more of a definition to the Functional and Non functional requirements.0 Group 625During session 4 I incorporated the settings function in both the HTML and the Flask application which updates the users settings/preferences to a Yes/No option for 'Privacy' and 'Notifications'. I then fixed the history function so it correctly deletes your previous translations (when you ask it to), and also fixed the download/email functions inside of the history apparatus. You're able to email a CSV to your accounts connected email along side having the option of downloading it. Afterwards, I completed my part of the Final Report by discussing both my challenges/problems during the past few months, along with my explanations about the backend and about how each function works and the end goal of the,.0 Group 625Session 4: Today, I finished writing the descriptions of the database layout and functionality in the final report for the language database, history database, settings database, and appearance database. I also created the table for the student contribution section and started editing the overall document to fix the formatting and making sure that it is all aligned to one standard font and sizing. A list of figures was created, but not completed due to not all figures being in the report yet. As a team, we discussed what was going on the poster and I modified some of the paragraphs that we are going to put on it, like the introduction and some of the technologies that was used. We also discussed the demo video and planned what we are going to show in it and the order of sequences.0 Group 625In session 4, I worked on the User Interface Descriptions part in the Final Report. I have managed to write for some pages such as Welcome page, Login Page and Sign up page...I also took the screenshots on these pages for the figure in our report. I have fixed some coding issues in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages. The menu button is only appear when we hover on it but I have managed to fixed this problems with some research. Me and my team member took some times to look through the sample of the demo and the poster to get the ideas of how should it look like and what our expectations for it. I also discussed with my team member about the poster, demo video. I have been able to write down some notes for what should be included in these document such as not only adding only the walk-through about our web app, we can also add an introduction for the demo video. 0 Group 624During session 3, I was able to finish authorisation and the sign-up page. A person is now able to correctly sign up with their username and password and can now login using the aforementioned authorisation and access the translation webpage. After use of the translation webpage, you will be able to view your own private history of what you've translated thus far and this history is only viewable to you. This is done through the use of a user_id which is given to a person at sign up (this is a hidden element and only viewable in the database). This user_id is used to trace a person to their own history, as when you use the translator, the history server is updated to have a translation input/output with a traceable user_id next to it, allowing for privacy.0 Group 624Session 3: Today, as a team we went through the database layout and functionality, so I could start writing descriptions and create a diagram for it. I created a rough draft of the diagram and there will be 5 different sections in the diagram to represent the login user, translation history, languages, settings, and appearance database tables. I also wrote the login user authentication database table description. As the team leader, I discussed the deadline with the members: implementation shoud be done by Tuesday 08/08/23 and the final report mostly done by Thurday 10/08/23, except for student contribution. The poster writing shoud be done by Monday 07/08/23, so the poster design can be started asap. The user manual shoud be started once the implementation and final report is done, otherwise week 3 will focus on that and the video. All of this, will ideally be finished by Thursday 17/08/23 and then the peer review evaluation and the presentation can be done on that day/over the weekend and on Monday 21/08/23 for submission and preparation to present.0 Group 624In session 3, after researching about the term of use and privacy policy, I have been able to create and write these document for our web page. I have also putting them into the HTML code and fixing it to be visually appealing such as adding the Home button and menu bar. I also add the scroll up button to improve the functionality of these pages. I also have to ensure that the pages are able to connect to others without problems. Moreover. I helped Blake, my team member to fix the HMTL code for the Sign Up Page interface (changing the background, making everything align in the middle of the page, adding the style for he form input and also the actions button...). I took sometimes to research about the user manual by looking through the sample and the resources online. At the end, we as a team discussing about the voice translator and other functions of the web page such as the history, login and sign up implementations.0
4132023-08-0405:31:4223In today's session i fixed the troubleshooting error i was getting when importing the data provided by the supervisors, i found out about the error by researching and asking the other students in class if they has faced such error, therefore i found a way to fix it. The issue was that i could only import limited sized files into MySQL databases, hence either the comand prompt or Xamp Shell can be used to type the files locations as well as where they need to be moved on as a comand, for example i used these commands C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p eagleio_new < C:\Users\danie\OneDrive\Desktop\sql\eagleio_new.sql. to import the data into eagleio_new database. After a short break, i tried to access the localhost but ended up in getting 2 WARNINGS errors as well as a fatal error. Tried to fix them but then new errors would pop-up and then after a while our group's supervisor Tawhid came to class to check how we doing. I have asked him in regards to the error and to my suprise, we found out that the XAMP Installed version i have installed is incorrect, therefore, to fix the issue i had to re-install & install Ver7.3.8 XAMP because of the previous errors faced when trying to access the localhost as well as run the comands on XAMP Shell directory again. After fixing the issue i contributed in helping the group's part of the project in creating the heat map but we ended stuck somewhere, we will try to run it again later on at home.0 Group 123In our 3rd session, today mainly consisted of working on the User Manual document that will need to be submitted along with the other documents at the end of the unit. Since I do not have a laptop I can bring in class with the XAMPP files, no screenshots were taken to include in the user manual, since I will be doing that at home where I have all my XAMPP files installed. At least 75% of the work has been done regarding the User Manual, all that's left to do is to for me is to test out site elements such as making sure hyperlinks work, making sure users do not need special 3rd party software to access the website, and making sure users do not need a google account to view the Heatmap and correlation tools. This will all contribute to the troubleshooting section, if necessary. We also had a chat with Assefa regarding the necessity of whether or not the Wi-Fi data from the SQL database had to be connected to the website or not. In the end, we had to figure out a way to pull the data from a local MYSQL database and put them into the Google Sheets page for our Google Looker Studio to read and interpret the data for the Footscray Smart City website, as it was deemed 'essential' by Assefa. Eventually, our team leader Khan found a way to solve the issue, which he will most likely cover more in detail in his diary. In the future, we plan on continuing and updating the site and report documents. Some things we still need to finish: - Correlation of data with coefficients - Add days along with date in the graph so people know what day of the week it is - Clean up website elements that are disproportionate and finish filling in text for information boxes0 Group 123In session 3 we had a really big progress within our project as khan with my assistant were able to connect our database from the mysql to our google but before that we had a small meeting with our supervisor assefa and he told us that we need to add our data from the phpmyadmin to sheet in a theoretical sense, from this meeting me and khan were determined to make this work so i started researching ways to connect directly from mysql by using google add ons such as coefficient but weren't able as that would mean we would have to make our database public so that the program can directly connect as this is a direct violation of the nda that we signed so we had to look at other methods. The methods that we found were that we could use was essentially that we have excel as a middle man that would just hold the data from mysql then can be updated so that we can uploaded on to google sheet and it would be update through the google addon this would be done via onedrive on excel that would connect to the google sheets and by using we were successful in achieving that as we were able to change that value of the one of the data on the mysql by editing it and from that we also were able to update the excel then by saving the excel were able to updated on google sheets. In our next meeting I will start on the final report as well as work on the googlemymaps and assist khan and alex if help is required by them. 0 Group 123Session 3: Today, we made a massive breakthrough in the development of our project. Today, Assefa looked over our Looker Studio and Google My Maps and realized that the database that we used was not connected and updated from the .sql file from our local machine on phpMyAdmin. Assefa wanted the connected files on Looker Studio and Google My Maps to be updated based on real time updates and edits through phpMyAdmin files. This is to ensure that if our clients were to use our application that their databases that is stored in phpMyAdmin will be updated in real time to our application we are creating. A lot of research was put into today’s session to ensure that getting the phpMyAdmin .sql files will connect to the files that gets uploaded to our applications. Ash and I looked into the different options that we could use to connect the files from phpMyAdmin to Google Sheets as our Google Sheets connects to our application and get’s updated every time we use it. We looked at the Google Sheets plugin Coefficient. It has the option to connect to MySQL but unfortunately, we would need to have a public IP address that can be used to connect to the plugin and it cannot connect through local machine at all. If we were to make a public IP address for MySQL, this would potentially breach our NDA with our clients and expose the data that we were using. This meant that we cannot use Coefficient. Next, Ash found a different alternative plugin called This allowed the synchronization of Excel Spreadsheets to be uploaded to Google Sheets in real time but requires the Excel Spreadsheet to be used on a synchronized Onedrive. This plugin is a possible option our group could use for our project. The first thing I did was connect MySQL to an new Excel Spreadsheet on my local Desktop. I then click on Get Data button and get the database through ODBC. With an ODBC previously installed in today’s session and going through required steps on setting up the connecting with the MySQL database, the MySQL database named spotapi was successfully connected to the local Desktop Excel Spreadsheet. This was tested by changing a value in the MySQL database and refreshing the data on Excel Spreadsheet. The change was successful. Next was to put this local Desktop file onto a dedicated OneDrive folder which is connected from the local machine to the OneDrive cloud so long as the Local Machine is connected to the internet and is signed in. To put in simple terms of all the steps that was taken to use, next was to install and go through all the required steps to connect the OneDrive folder and connect the Excel Spreadsheet within it, connect it to an existing Google Sheets and now all the data that was originally from the MySQL database is connected to Google Sheets which will then be used to connect to our application that we are creating for our project. All these steps were verified by changing a value in the MySQL database, updating it on Excel Spreadsheet on local machine to verify the update then updating it on Google Sheets and verifying the update. During this entire session, I took Assefa’s advice and used all the time to connect MySQL database in real time to our Project Application. This was a major breakthrough in our project and we were so thrilled to have solved a long running problem in our project.0 Group 223Today we started designing the e-poster. We created a design, added an introduction of our project, project objective, functional and non-functional requirements, and a conclusion. On our website, I added a password field on the start meeting page and schedule meeting page. Our supervisor (Gitesh) checked in on us, he gave us his opinion and advice on our recent website changes and the poster. 0 Group 423In today's session everything was running smothly til some point i could not access the localhost where whenever i ran localhost then it would redirect me to the live website of and not the normal localhost, asked the students in class if they have faced such issue in which they did not. i asked the rest of my group memebers and appearntly 1 of my group memebers is facing the same issue. After through research i found what semmed to be the solution, i tried to solve this by going through XAMP Control Panel>Admin>smart_city>wp_options where i tried to edit the first 2 lines and change the option_value in which was into localhost and then clearded my browser history & cache and tried to run localhost again but it took me to what it seemed incompleted version of the maribyrnong live site. I re-did everything from th beginging again and plan to try to access to the local host on my home computer to see how i go, update on the issue next week, if not fixed might email.0 Group 423In todays class I continued working on the HeatMap in order to figure out a way to add more locations such as West Footscray, Seddon, Footscray, and yarraville into the heat map along with the data that each location has for spending. I managed to add 2 of the locations together into the same heatmap along with some data but I'm now considering making a heat map for each location. Although this wouldn't be ideal for the users on the website were creating it would make seeing the data much more efficient and clear. I will continue to work on the heatmap at home as well as the correlation graphs and aim to have it done before wednesday so that by wednesday I'm able to implement it into the website as well as work on the user manual to have it started and possibly 40% done by next week first session as well. Unfortunately jatin wasn't here today so I had to work on re-setting up the lookerstudio heatmap and uploading the data on my own google account which didn't take too long because I knew how the organize the data from before, I also had a look around at a couple other graphs that we can us for the correlation graphs and found one that I feel like would suit the type of data that we have. The next step is to get the heatmap and correlation graphs up and ready by Wednesday so that the group can focus on the final report, poster & presentation as well without having to worry about editing the website too much.0
4102023-08-0311:13:1522Slightly less productive day than normal, was unable to attend in-class due to an emergency, but when I had found the time I had begun working on the 'register an account' function in the Flask application along with the updating on the HTML Script in the Register an account webpage. Had to update the MYSQL Workbench database so when I come to the phase in which accounts have their own settings + history, then I'll be ready for such.0
4032023-08-0306:04:0522Today, I had a productive day working with Assefa on improving our heatmap's color representation based on intensity. We decided to implement a continuous color gradient from Green to Red to better visualize the varying intensities. Since I recently formatted my laptop, I had to set up the smart city environment again. I meticulously documented the entire process to create a comprehensive user manual. This involved importing databases and necessary files for the smart city website onto my machine. However, I encountered some challenges with outdated files, leading to a bit of backtracking. Nonetheless, this experience helped me gain a deeper understanding of the website's functioning and allowed me to capture high-quality screenshots for the user manual. As part of the setup process, I also reinstalled xampp. Later, I realized that some of the issues I encountered were due to my browser cache files. Clearing the cache resolved the problems, and I could successfully replicate the website environment. During the setup and replication process, I overheard Assefa discussing potential improvements to the heatmap with Shivneel. Their ideas sparked my interest, and I look forward to incorporating those functionalities into the website while documenting them for the user manual in our next session. Overall, it was a fulfilling day of problem-solving and progress on the smart city project.0 Group 122- Will be going home to work on normalising Spendmapp data for every column that the Maribyrnong council provided in Google Sheets by scaling them in decimal points from 0 to 1 to use on the heatmap. - Will be going home to finish writing FAQ Pages for Looker Studio and adding information on the use of every single page element. - Started on the User manual section for the Project by creating document in Google Docs to share with other team members. - Today, I began writing the info needed for people to know how to use our Heatmap and Data correlation tool on a separate page in our Google Looker Studio - We Updated Dr. Assefa Teshome on our intentions and showed him what we are currently working on (Correlating data within Google Looker studio to find patterns, and writing FAQ page for users wishing to use our tools, going into more detail about labelling, making the UI more intuitive and easier to navigate) - I renamed our Google Looker studio pages from ‘untitled page’ to ‘Unique Visitors per hot spot & date’ and ‘data correlation’. These titles are still subject to change. - We constantly tested hyperlinks and size of elements on each Google Looker studio page to make sure it’s consistent across machines and that all links are working. 0 Group 122In our second session our team took on the advise of assefa from yesterday and made a plan do to our work based on that me and khan worked on the data correlation graph within google looker studio during that we had some trouble implementing some features such as adding some specified filters so we had to do research on google and some forums to get our answers after that we were able to fix the issue, we also were able to implement x and y axis titles for the graph that have correlation between the spendmapp data and the WiFi usage data, also i was working on google my maps to add the data on to the map as assefa suggested that it would be a great addition to the markers map , i was able to add data but khan wanted me to add a date filter so that we can filter through the different dates , i was unable to do that as i wasn't able to add the filter but i found a solution by just adding the average data for each of the hot spot locations.I have decided to take on work at home to fix these issue and also we have discussed to work on renaming and labeling Google looker studio pages from ‘untitled page’ to ‘unique visitors per hot-spot & date’ and ‘data correlation’ this is still subject to change also to continue to experiment on our pages to further our progress.0 Group 122Session 2: In todays session, we have decided as a group that we will be dedicating our time to continue working on our Heatmap and Data Correlation tools. I have set my group members and myself different tasks within the same area so that we were all continuously working on an individual task rather than working on the same task to cover more areas of work. I was assigned to improve on the Heatmap page by continuously testing the date filtering system and the hotspot location filtering system to ensure that the data that was filtered was consistent to the spreadsheet that was connected to Looker Studio. After a bit of testing the filtering system and cross referencing it with the Spreadsheet connected to Looker Studio along with Alex and Ash’s validation, the filtering system worked as intended. After testing the heatmap, I moved on to adding more features to the Data Correlation page. During this time, Ash and I looked over Assefa’s suggestions that he gave us yesterday which was to improve on the visualization of the Data Correlation page by making it more readable and accessible. I was able to add a labeled y axis on the left which contained the labels of all the categories for the spend data and the y axis on the right side of the time series chart which contains the label for the total amount of unique visitors for each day, a labeled x axis which contains the label for the date and adding circular points to each point in the time series chart to make it easier to visualize where all of the points for that day peak at. I have also changed the colours of the lines on the time series chart so that there are no colours that would be similar to each other for easy readability. After today’s session, I will be going home to continue to improve on the Heatmap and Data Correlation pages to readjust the layout of the pages and continue to improve on the filtering buttons for the Data Correlation page. Tonight, I will also start creating all the templates of all the required documents that we will be assessed on so that by tomorrow we can assign each group member in our group an assessment document to work on.0 Group 222Project Diary 2, In today's session our team implemented the ideas onto our e-poster such as intro, conclusion, functional and non-functional requirements, Adding our logo, and adding author. We also had our supervisor visit us in class today and we had a chat with him about what stage our project is at, we asked him for his feedback such as what type of flowchart and adding screenshots of the website homepage to the e-poster.0 Group 222Today we worked on the website add new password boxes and we also started working on the e poster for the project. In the e poster we added few details like introduction, project scope requirements etc. We then had a meeting with our supervisor Gitesh about the project and the progress we are making. He gave us few pointers to keep in mind while working on the project and the things we can do to improve our project. 0 Group 222Today we started designing the e-poster. We created a design, added an introduction of our project, project objective, functional and non-functional requirements, and a conclusion. On our website, I added a password field on the start meeting page and schedule meeting page. Our supervisor (Gitesh) checked in on us, he gave us his opinion and advice on our recent website changes and the poster. 0 Group 322Today, I had a productive day working with Assefa on improving our heatmap's color representation based on intensity. We decided to implement a continuous color gradient from Green to Red to better visualize the varying intensities. Since I recently formatted my laptop, I had to set up the smart city environment again. I meticulously documented the entire process to create a comprehensive user manual. This involved importing databases and necessary files for the smart city website onto my machine. However, I encountered some challenges with outdated files, leading to a bit of backtracking. Nonetheless, this experience helped me gain a deeper understanding of the website's functioning and allowed me to capture high-quality screenshots for the user manual. As part of the setup process, I also reinstalled xampp. Later, I realized that some of the issues I encountered were due to my browser cache files. Clearing the cache resolved the problems, and I could successfully replicate the website environment. During the setup and replication process, I overheard Assefa discussing potential improvements to the heatmap with Shivneel. Their ideas sparked my interest, and I look forward to incorporating those functionalities into the website while documenting them for the user manual in our next session. Overall, it was a fulfilling day of problem-solving and progress on the smart city project.0 Group 322Summary Today was a positive day overall. I made progress in several areas and faced some challenges as well. Here's a summary of my day: Accomplishments got my graph working again, as well as the filters too. got feedback on some of the filters for example changing one of the filters from dates to years add my graph to the wordpress. Challenges creating a linear regression model using html/ javascript implementing the linear regression to my data running the linear regression on my wordpress 0 Group 322Session Dairy 2 -3/8/2023 I Fixed zoom function and tested the function as requested by the supervisors yesterday on the 2/8/2023 so that when we zoom out the heatmaps coloured spots don’t change to a different colour as we zoom in it should be constant when we zoom out and then shared it with team members Raymond and Ralp for them to replicate it on their device. I worked on changing the marker functionality so that when the filter is selected the numerical values change accordingly as well when Cyclist is selected or deselected it will either give the correct total value or 0 Asseffa then looked over the changes that I made in today’s session as they were requested yesterday and approved Ralp was also listening and then I was asked to change to change the radius size of the heatmaps coloured spots to 50 as it was set to 100 and the colours code should be done using RGB Javascript codes to only change the colour if depending on the intensity from green to red and then Asseffa helped me research how to change this code to become a loop which did not end up working and took up much of this sessions time I will have to continue working on this in my own time and possibly the next session . 0 Group 422In today's session i fixed the troubleshooting error i was getting when importing the data provided by the supervisors, i found out about the error by researching and asking the other students in class if they has faced such error, therefore i found a way to fix it. The issue was that i could only import limited sized files into MySQL databases, hence either the comand prompt or Xamp Shell can be used to type the files locations as well as where they need to be moved on as a comand, for example i used these commands C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p eagleio_new < C:\Users\danie\OneDrive\Desktop\sql\eagleio_new.sql. to import the data into eagleio_new database. After a short break, i tried to access the localhost but ended up in getting 2 WARNINGS errors as well as a fatal error. Tried to fix them but then new errors would pop-up and then after a while our group's supervisor Tawhid came to class to check how we doing. I have asked him in regards to the error and to my suprise, we found out that the XAMP Installed version i have installed is incorrect, therefore, to fix the issue i had to re-install & install Ver7.3.8 XAMP because of the previous errors faced when trying to access the localhost as well as run the comands on XAMP Shell directory again. After fixing the issue i contributed in helping the group's part of the project in creating the heat map but we ended stuck somewhere, we will try to run it again later on at home.0 Group 422In today's session our goal was to start creating heat maps and review any errors from yesterday's session that were to get fixed. We started of running XAMPP as usual but was facing some difficulties, after doing a group chat and consulting with other groups, was notified of using wrong XAMPP version. Still in progress to install the new version as required. We started by downloading new datasets and files again, while not focusing much of XAMPP we started using web link Looker Chart, where it allows us to gather all information into the place and started creating heat maps. We are facing a lot of issues as we are unaware of how to use the online link as some parts very complex. We did get to see our supervisor Tawhid for roughly 30 minutess who was helpful to us and guided us to the correct direction of work. We then started seeking some guidance and support from other group to help as on small things such as linking the data from google spreadsheets to looker chart in order to build heat maps. We are looking forward to complete and download the correct XAMPP software tonight and moving forward towards tomorrow, to start creating graphs that will indicate the correlations between spend map and parking figures.0 Group 422Session Diary 2: In todays session, my group and I spent time trying to fix xampp on jatin and danyals laptops. Whilst they were trying to fix their xampp I had began fixing the Spending heat map that we are implementing onto our website but I had unfortunately gone through a couple errors where some of the data we were provided was being mixed up. Dr Tawhid had then sent us an email at around 1:57 PM and asked if we were in the lab working on the project. I had then replied back to him and let him know we were in the lab working. Dr Tawhid had then come into the class at around 2:30 to have a look at what we were working on, I had then asked him if he could send me through the right direction for editing the heatmap and if he had any suggestions on what we could use in order to edit it a bit more efficiently, He suggested that I look into java scripts that may assist us a bit further in what we were wanting. He then assisted Jatin and Danyal with their enquires for xampp in which they had to re-download the correct version of xampp. He then left at around 3PM, by then I had continued to work on the original Heat Map and managed to get the data to correlate with the locations we want after a bit of trial and error. Our Heat Map is nearing completion at this point and am looking to get it completed so we can begin finishing off our Correlation Graphs.0 Group 622Session 2: Today, I reviewed and made some changes to the introduction, as well as making some changes to the system requirements section of the final report because after some more discussion with the team, we decided not to implement some of the features (notifications, preferred language settings, and browser default language). Accordingly, I had to make changes to the functional requirements and discussed about working on a "Forgot Password" function and a "Detect Lanaguage" function for the translator as we had those in the project proposal. Blake sent me the entire application, so I could work on it with my laptop and ended up having to install all the programs needed for it to run. Also wanted to test to see if it would run on another device. One of those was the MySQL Workbench database that I had to connect to the application, which I had trouble connecting for quite awhile. I reviewed some of the code to see if I could get the "Use as Guest" function working properly and am still trying to debug it.0 Group 622In session 2, I have been able to contribute more into the Final report document for our project. I have added some more technologies that we used into the "Technologies Used" part in the System Architecture along with its description and advantages for our projects. I have spend some times to also doing some referencing for the source that I have used for this part. I also fix a little bit in the HTML code for our default translation to ensure that the design of the page doesn't get affected of the sudden changes in the webpage or the toggle button. In the "User Interface Descriptions" part of the final report, I have added a summary for our pages and begun to go into describing what each pages contain. Moreover, I researched about the "Term of Use" and "Privacy Policy" document of other similar project and managed to write down some ideas before writing these actual document for our projects0 Group 121In today's class the work was divided amongst the group and members began work on their assigned sections. Members spent a majority of the class time writing for their own sections as well as collaborating and assisting each other. Some research was also conducted relating to examples of a recommendation system which we are trying to build. 0 Group 121Today, we conducted a comprehensive review of various sample projects focusing on different recommendation systems. From these projects, we were able to extract and summarize the functional requirements in a clear and concise manner. Here are the key functional requirements: Signup: Users should be able to create their profiles on the platform using a unique username and password. Login: Users should have the ability to log in using their specific credentials. User Profile: The system must display and store user preferences to enable more personalized and tailored recommendations. Age Factor: The system should filter out all games below the age of 18 for users who are underage. Platform: The recommendation system should support various gaming platforms, including Xbox, PlayStation, Steam/PC, and Nintendo. Genre: The system should consider different game genres, such as FPS, horror, puzzle, fighting, family, and kids, while making recommendations. Recommendation Display: The recommendations should be presented to users through an intuitive and user-friendly interface, such as a website or mobile app. By adhering to these functional requirements, we aim to create a robust and user-centric recommendation system that enhances the gaming experience for all users.0 Group 121In today's class we discussed what functional requirements to include and the nature of our project whether it will be a web app, a wix site and so forth. I worked on some non-functional requirements for the project plan. Read two websites providing details on how to clearly write non-functional requirements. I came up with two for our project plan on portability the user profile must display on multiple browsers. And the other was usability that registers a user's platform selection within 0.1 seconds.0 Group 221In session 3 of Applied Project 1, we have done more than half of our project plan. I mainly focused and finished our project background and description. It tells what our topic is all about, how we designed our screens management system, and how it works. My groupmate works and coordinates very well. I'll continue working on our project plan and looking to complete it over the weekend.0
3892023-08-0210:52:52Phasey3001 Group 221I missed Session 1 because I thought the subject was online, Session 2 I learnt it was a on campus, I was contacted by my group partner and made an attempt to make up for lost time writing out the functional requirements and the non functional requirements. and during session 3 I headed into class and met my team member in person, I made the Timeline and the risk analysis table.0 Group 121Session 1 Diary: Today was the first session of NEF3002 and in the introductory session, we made sure that every team member had the most up-to-date version of the Footscray Smart City website. To achieve this, I (Alex) brought a USB with my XAMPP files for team members to use and replicate. In the end, it was successful on my team members machines. After this was accomplished, the team decided to go over the Project Diaries that were written over the past 4 months within our ZOOM meetings and compile them into one document for us to submit. Each team member has submitted it on VU Collaborate under GROUP 1. Our Group assessor, Dr. Assefa Teshome came into the class and had a discussion with us regarding our progress on the website. He suggested that we explore and experiment with different functionalities on the website and finish off our correlation graph and heatmap. 0 Group 121In our first session of nef3002 , our group worked on finalizing the progress diary and submitted as well as that we got feedback from Assefa by showing him our progress on our website on how we can improve our project by telling us that we need to finish off our correlation graph and heat map. 0 Group 121Session 1: Today, our group has finalized and submitted our Progress Diaries individually. During this session, we have also been able to successfully replicate the improved website from Alex’s computer to the other team members computers. Everything that was created on Alex’s computer was perfectly replicated on all the team member’s laptops. This will be used as a basis for the rest of the block. Our group supervisor Assefa joined halfway through our meeting to discuss the different things that can be improved on from our project’s current progress with by adding additional features to the Heatmap and Data Correlation pages on our website.0 Group 221Project Diary 1: Our group finalized the progress diary in today's session. We also tested the functionality of the buttons on the website which included testing start meeting, schedule meeting, join meeting, and edit meeting, all the buttons functioned as they were meant to. We fixed the password button for joining meetings. Also finalized the website design and started working on the e-poster such as the layout and what things will be added to the poster as we will be implementing all our ideas tomorrow in class. We will be having a chat with our supervisor about our project tomorrow.0 Group 221In today's session, our group finalized the progress diary which is due today. We also tested the functionality of the buttons on the website, finalized the website design and started working on the e-poster such as the layout and what things will be added to the poster.0 Group 221Today we finalized our progress diary. We tested the functionality of the buttons on our website, finalized the website design and started working on the e-poster.0 Group 321In today's session, our group worked on finalising the progress diary together, adding inputs and proofreading. We also met up and discussed with our group coordinators about the progress that we have made for our project. They provided us with more input on how to improve our project as well as providing with solutions to some of our project concerns.0 Group 321repairing mu html code and as well as getting teachers feedback on the project.0 Group 321Today we finished up our progress diary as it is due midnight tonight and received feedback from Asseffa and Khandaker and they made suggestions on how improve our website0 Group 421Session 1: Today my group and I had spent the day trying to finalize our Project Diary that we are on track to handing in tonight. We also discussed what we would be doing in terms of our Heat Map that we are looking to implement either tonight or tomorrow as well as how we would implement our correlation graphs into our website in order to start finishing it off. Dr Assefa had come in and answered a couple of my groups questions that we had for this unit as well as for our projects as we had gone through a couple hurdles to get to this point. 0 Group 621Debugged and improved upon our translation history page, along with the completion of the login page (only those with a usable username + password can access the website). Translation history page was problematic, due to the fact that I had to do trial and error until I resolved the issue, in which the issue ended up being that I wasn't use the 'GET' method properly, and was attempting to grab the file itself instead of the function's pathway (in this case, I ended up having to use the @app.route('/history_page) pathway instead of the historypage.html pathway), and this resolved the issue of it not connecting to the main webpage. Another small issue was accidentally not setting the Date/Time to Date and Time datatypes, which was easily fixable.0 Group 621Session 1: Today, I created the document templates for the final report, user manual, peer review evaluation, and the presenation. I reviewed the progress diary report with the team and we submitted it. I wrote the introduction of the final report and reviewed the project scope from the project proposal and changed it according to how we actually developed the application. I did the same with the system requirements and rewrote the functional and non-functional requirements based on the features we were able to incorporate in the application and added what we couldn't. I also added some of the references I used. As a team, we discussed the schedule of completion for each task and who will be responsible for it. I helped Blake identify the problem with our translation history page and he was able to fix it.0 Group 621In today session, I have been able to fix up the Project Progress Report which includes changing the margin of the table of contents, fixing the title page, editing the format of the document. I, then ensure to export the file as the PDF and send it to the members to submit it as individually. I also help Blake, my team member to fix up sidebar links because when we click on it, it appears as "No Page Found". Therefore, I have spend sometimes to research the problems on the Internet to see if there are some possible answers. Moreover, I read through the Final Report Sample to have a better ideas on the expectations of the reports. On the "Technologies Used" part in our final report, I have added some details for the technologies we used in our project along with its descriptions and the reasons why we choose these technologies instead of others. Furthermore, in the nearly end of the session, me and our team discuss on some more problems about the implementations for the Login page and also other features of the systems such as the share, delete history data button and "Continue as Guest" button. I also given my team members some of my suggestions and advises on the code and the parts that they are working on throughout the session. 0
3602023-08-0105:18:0220We started looking at a opening communication channels on Discord Group chat and Google Drive for the project plan draft. Today I worked on The User Diagram Description for two different categories New User Registration and Existing User Login. I researched some ideas around how a login page works and how a new user registration page works. It came to light during a discussion with the lecturer that I need to focus on functional requirements and we need to work as a team to do this as this is a significant part of the project plan to be submitted on Monday.0 Group 120In todays lesson we organised the workload a lot more. Opened communication channels so we can collaborate much more effectively. I took lead on the programming side of the web app, and spent some time working out the coding. We've landed on using javascript and html. We then looked at our project template report and starting planning out and drafting our functional requirements and corresponding non-functional requirements. We have worked out a plan to have a draft ready for submission by Monday next week.0 Group 120i did discussion on functional requirements and non functional requirements and gave work each other on different tasks finished our half way through to sequence diagram's 0 Group 120Our goal is to design a gaming website for users to use. The first part is background information, including clear goals and target users, market research, demand analysis and functional planning The second part is to build information architecture and user flow, which requires planning sketches and prototypes (such as Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, etc.) and UI design The third part is development, including front-end development (using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and other interface technologies), laboratory development (creating a head server, processing user requests and business logic. Establishing a database to store game information, user information and recommendation data) and testing and optimization. The fourth part is publishing and marketing.0 Group 120In today's lesson we formed groups and identified our group's project topics. Through discussions with everyone, we will confirm the direction of the project step by step. As for the details, I think we need further discussions. Today I mainly think about research on functional and non-functional requirements.0 Group 220In session 2 of Applied Project 1, one of my groupmates finally responded. We used the sample project plan document as a guide and began doing our project plan. Since we are only two in the group as of now, we divided the work we have to do. We also decided to communicate to each other via discord. I started doing the Project Scope which is the functionality of our project, and the project background and introduction. I still have to do research and watch informative videos about screens management system to gain a well-rounded knowledge.0 Group 220In session 1 of Applied Project 1, the orientation session was helpful for me to know how the project will be done. I attempted to find groupmates who could also do the Applied Project 2 together next year, however other students were not present. As I scanned through the project lists, I have decided to do Project 5 which is the screens management system. I have to begin doing project 5 by myself for now while waiting for groupmates.0 Group 119Session 1 the group and I planned out first of all which type of project we want to do. We deliberated about choosing project 7 but ultimately settled on project 1. We then discussed what kind of content we wanted to present to our users on our web app. We then created a google docs document for collaboration and drafted up a rough template to begin the first steps of our project. 0 Group 119In Session 1, we thoroughly examined each project and explored different approaches for their execution. Eventually, we narrowed down our choices to two projects: Project 1 and Project 7. After careful consideration, we decided to move forward with Project 1, and Project 7 was eliminated from further consideration. During the session, we engaged in a discussion about functions and maps, discussing how they could be applied to the chosen Project 1. Our aim was to present these concepts in a simple manner, ensuring everyone could grasp the basic idea behind their implementation.0 Group 119Session 1 What we did in today's session is forming groups and discuss which project we will work on as a team. We initially thought we would do project 7 the data mining but after discussion with Terry we changed to project one because the exercise of collating and representing data would take 3 months leaving only one month to finish the final project report. The scope was too large for a project to finish in one semester. We picked project 1 as we thought its easy to expand on and generate recommendations on. We drilled down to focus on a gaming recommendation web application.0 Group 119In today's lesson we formed groups and identified our group's project topics. Through discussions with everyone, we will confirm the direction of the project step by step. As for the details, I think we need further discussions. Today I mainly think about research on functional and non-functional requirements.0 Group 1190
3502023-07-2501:33:1618Project 5: Student ID: s8077239 - Rihan Meij. Prep for presentation. Practicing presentation0 group 318Christian Marino s4659183, Group 3, Session 10, Diary entry 10: Submitted assessment 2, continued work on the presentation slides, getting it ready for submission and for the presentation. 0 518Stephen Brackenridge s8090210 Group 3 Project 5: I worked on the Timeline, Conclusion and my functions for the presentation on Tuesday, utilising for the Gantt chart timeline. I read over my team's slides and wrote out the conclusion following on from their work. I updated my slides with the relevant Use Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams and Pseudocode and made notes for the presentation. 0
3372023-07-2406:50:1417Today our team worked on the Presentation. We have assigned roles based on our functional requirements. I also worked on diagrams and finishing off Final Project Plan 0
3342023-07-2406:02:4617Project 5: Student ID: s8077239: Rihan Meij. Finished the presentation. Added explanation about how the tags work and assignment to different devices. Added all the sequence diagrams, code blocks, required for the presentation tomorrow0 group 117BF grp1 session 10. finalizing everything ready for submission 0 group 117BF grp1 session 9. added more to locker system section. started to edit and properly format final report. had discussion with peter about poster and video.0 117 Thurstan Ngo - s4657332 - Today we finalised our assessment 2 and started working on our Presentation0 117s4656684 - Today we finalised our assessment 2 and started working on our Presentation0 117finished of the project where everyone is doing their own fuction. Got the presentaiton ready for tomorrow class. 0 117submitted the finished assessment0 117submitted the finished assessment0 117We are finishing off assessment 2* and going to get this submitted on time. I have done with my diagrams such as UI, ERD diagram and sequence diagram. I have also had done doing the summary of my function which is recommending new and trending movies. We have finalised everything for our project and we begin to prepare for our oral presentation tomorrow. 0 117We are finishing off Project 2 and going to get this submitted on time. I have done with my diagrams such as UI, ERD diagram and sequence diagram. I have also had done doing the summary of my function which is recommending new and trending movies. We have finalised everything for our project and we begin to prepare for our oral presentation tomorrow. 0 31718/7/23 We got our mark back for assessment 1, there was a lot of discourse around whether the marks were fair or accurate making the in class time less productive than usual. I still managed to get a decent bit of work done, particularly on the train ride home I started work on my pseudocode solutions. 19/7/23 I wasn't able to attend class due to a personal commitment. 20/7/23 to make up for having missed Wednesday's class I set aside several hours to work on my pseudocode solutions and made some simple sequence diagrams for the logic behind those functions. These were later improved upon by my groupmate. I was pleased to finish all my pseudocode functions today. I also started writing out a section called "a note on searching algorithms" as I decided it is necessary to explain the disadvantages of using the simple recursive or linear search algorithms outlined in the pseudocode and available as a function in SQL. I explained that its likely we may use a more complicated algorithm in the final solution depending on the amount of entries expected in the final solution. 21/7/23 I updated my Gantt chart with some more relevant information outlining when certain functions will be programmed. Also, based on this updated chart I wrote up a project timeline with descriptions of these tasks, rather than the simple titles you find in a Gantt chart.0 317Group 2 Project 3 Ram Ponnam s4663748 24/7/23 Session 10 Today Our group worked on the final report and then submitted it. Then we started working on the presentation as well. finalizing everything for the presentation and preparing for tomorrow. 0 517Whole day just doing presentation works because today is the submission day. My parts are 5 main functions so with the help of the lecturer and team members I would able to finish it successfully.0
3332023-07-2405:17:50BrandonProject 617Finished the the document, and started on the PowerPoint. Updated all sections and as a group and discussed how we will structure the presentation tomorrow.0 617Today we finalized our final report for submission. We had discussions about what contents of the presentation are included and started working on our sections for the power point presentation. I have added the codes and Gantt charts for phase 1 and 2 in the power point and I'm going to be explaining each logic of the pseudo code and how it works and the timeline/Gantt charts. 0 617Was preparing for power point presentation and i edit my part which is User Interface explaining how our interface works with all the buttons and also worked on introduction and scope part of the PPT. i edit some of the things like removing extra parts like log-in process and added new functions like view light where it shows all the lights in the room that we are using to apply our App and add light in the system. 0 617Session 10 Diary • Todays session consisted mainly of finalising our report for submission later this afternoon • Put the finishing touches on the steps underneath the sequence diagrams • Updated the references to suit the final project instead of the project plan • Updated the contributions so that everyone in the group receives the same mark • Updated the risk management plan, getting rid of some risks that incorporated third party software such as google home, alexa or the kasa app, which we are not using anymore • Started on the powerpoint slides for the presentation. Worked on light layout, use case diagram, use cases and UI architecture 0 617With this being the final session of this unit and the day the final report and presentation is due, we all went over the document one final time to make absolutely sure everyone is on the same page and happy with what is going to be submitted. I had decided to remove my sample pictures to better align the document and not conflict with other parts and just leave an explanation in regards to how we implemented the resources. We were working on our powerpoint, which I had started creating slides about the resources, flow chart and conclusion and populating them accordingly. I will essentially be talking about those 3 parts during the presentation and breaking down each function in accordance with the section.0 group 116Finished building the poster and video yesterday hence is why me and my team mate didn't do the project diary yesterday. Planned to finish the user manual and Final report today0 group 216Setup Qbot on PC for live demo. Redesigned poster and start working on the video. Finalised the report and started proof reading | This is for yesterday0 group 316Christian Marino s4659183, Group 3, Session 9, Diary entry 9: Started setting up the presentation and making the layout for it, updated work on the report, user manual and e poster. Discussed how we will create the demo video.0 group 115BF grp1 session 8. altered locker physical design started the 3d printing. first pass at editing the final report. discussed options for the video with Peter and Assefa0 group 115Peter Hans s4643570, Group 1, Session 8, Finished doing the 1st Draft for the Poster, started doing the 3D printing for the locker box, started doing the 1st Draft of the video required for the project0 group 215Peter Gregorczyk, s4661352, group 2, Diary entry 7,8: We have completed the system requirements review, challenges and potential improvements of the application, We have started our poster and video for the final report submission it should be finished by friday, 21/07/2023. I also forgot to make a diary yesterday so i included everything today0 group 215Completed qqva setup on LAB PC. Completed Model design and outline in the final report. Started making the poster and outlined the plan for the video0 group 114BF grp1 session 7. found an issue within our app and had to trace it. fixed the problem, app is now working as it should. tested raspberrypi successful full operation. discussed wats left with final report and start work on video and poster.0 group 114Peter Hans s4643570, Group 1, Session 7, finished user manual for the sign in,login and the plugin installations and testing results for the final project, started doing the video and poster for the project0 group 314Christian Marino s4659183, Group 3, Session 6, Diary entry 6: Worked on the E-Poster adding information as well as more work being updated on the user manual. Also discussed work on the app and completed more work on it.0 114Today I worked on UI diagram for the website. I worked on the page of my fuction which is when selecting a particular movie silmar movies of the genre, actors and year will be recommended to users. 0 11419/7 - Redoing my part for assessment 2. I had begin to start working on one function for assessment 2. More work I need to do at home. 0 214Sushant, Worked on pseudocode as well as reviewed UI and updated ER Diagram with some additional information.0 314Group 2 Project 3 Ahsan Bhatti s4619147 Session 9 today me and my group continued on our final assignment. Today I focused on PSEUDOCODE and did my part, I also focused on ER diagram that I had to do my part for.0 514Today we discuss about TV articles for the final project and we had to change some parts in the presentation, So with the help of my team members I was able to find information about my parts in the project.0 514Project 5: Student ID: s8077239. Re did our functional requirements after clarification from the person that assigns the marks. 0
3182023-07-1913:54:13BrandonProject 614Group 1 Session 9 - Discussed potential presets and how the app will function later down the line, and discussed improving our report. This means updating the functions to be more specific, to ensure better marks. We also made sure to always mention the functions in every section to ensure marks once again. We learnt that the FUNCTIONS are the most important part of the plan and that always needs to be at the forefront of everything we talk about 0 614Finished the pseudo code and redone the time line and Gantt chart. Added a description under the Gantt chart explaining each phases, mostly phase 2 with the implementation of the main functions. Helped with a function in the sequence diagram, by creating a description of what the interactions are between the user, app, API and database.0 614Since we faced the comments, now we know that we need to reference the functions on every phase of the report so i referenced those functions in all the user interface manual like what each and every button does and what kind of functions are called with those buttons. I am still working on the code where we need to make the lights go around so that i could provide Sudo code for that function part. i made some changes in background and scope because we are not synchronizing music with the lights anymore. since we decided on playing music separately and put a separate button to play the light shows an option with the light effect. so i updated that in the final report already.0 614we got our markings for our first planning report and read all the comments, so we discussed, what to remove and what to work on for better report. we re-distributed all our topics and started working on more functions that we can add into our GUI interface. we tried connecting multiple bulbs and applied some patterns. also working on final report and updating or making changes according to comments that we got from last report. 0 614All members were present today, so we used a good portion of it talking about any issues we had come across, and if anyone was stuck and needed assistance. I informed them I had nearly completed writing up the Resources section of the final report. I showed them the changes I had made, which I had spent quite a bit of time re-doing to align with the main functions we had specified the last session. I had implemented sample pictures showcasing what resources were used to implement the GUI and the resources used to achieve the functions. After the pretty heated classroom discussion yesterday and a bit today, I do believe now that we are on the right path for the final report. After finishing discussions of the report, we had done some further testing of the special effects function for the smart bulbs, getting them to flash blue and red lights to finish up at the end of the session.0
3032023-07-1808:14:2313Project 5: Student ID: s8077239 Trying to make sense of the feedback, and spending a lot of time clarifying what is meant with fairly terse recommendations0
3022023-07-1806:14:2813Today we got our results and feedbacks from the first part of the Project Plan, after going through the results and suggestions we decided to reevaluate our functional and non functional requirement and then redistributed some of the assign tasks in the functional and non functional section of our Final Plan Report. I decided to rewrote the project Description and Background to align with our Functional and Non Functional Requirements. 0
2902023-07-1805:06:3613group 4 - proj 1 - s4657332 - today i have discussed about the project with the team and we have came to a conclusion to redesign with the given feedback. i focused on the main functions and brainstormed with the team for further discussion 0 113group 4 - proj 1 - s4656684 - Today we went over the Project Scope and the functionality's and completely redesigned it, and worked on the Use Case Diagram0 113group 4 - proj 1 - s4657332 - Today we went over the Project Scope and the functionality's and completely redesigned it, and worked on the Use Case Diagram0 113Following the marks we recieved out marks, we updated out main functions for out recommendation systems. we came up with 6 different main functions and assigned it to each differnt members to work on. first time users must choose in a Genre Selection and Age Range, etc. (Thurstan) Suggest movie or music related to the selected item. (Netra) User history recommendation (Aditya) Users can leave ratings on the movies/shows they watch (Wynton) Displays other users recommendations based on users preferences (Hayden) Recommends new and trending movies. (William) 0 113We discussed about changing out pooject scope and function as it was not alligned with the project. A meeting is set up for tonight with absent members to make sure we're on the right track of the project.0 113We discussed the project with Terry redesigned the functions and assigned who's doing what function for the rest of the project.0 113group 4 - proj 1 - s4657332 - today i have discussed about the project with the team and we have came to a conclusion to redesign with the given feedback. i focused on the main functions and brainstormed with the team for further discussion 0 113Group 4 - Project 1 discussed about changing the project function as we had to redo the functions and had to do our own parts. Discussion about this later on about how we are going to do the functions. 0 113Group 4 - Project 1 discussed about changing the project function as we had to redo the functions and had to do our own parts. Discussion about this later on about how we are going to do the functions. 0 113Project 1 - Group 4 - Session 8 Discussed Assessment 1 with the teacher. Re-evaluated our Project Proposal as a group. Re-assigned correct roles for our Project Portfolio Assessment 2. I started on my assigned main function. Will continue to work assessment tonight with group members on our social group. 0 313Group 2 Project 3 Ahsan Bhatti s4619147 session 8 we got our marked out for assignment 1. I wasn't really happy with the scores, thus, our group continued on the assignment 2 for the project we worked on user anonymization. 0 313Group 2 Project 3 Ahsan Bhatti s4619147 Session 7, for today session I worked on the seperate section for the website. Section 1 is working properly but geting error for section 2, 3 and 4. For today's session I wanted to work on sign up and sign in link, but becasue of the error I am getting for the sections I have to solve them first. My group also finalised the group project, we shared the topics that each of the team would do. 0 31317/07/2023 Today in class we outlined many of the main code functions that will be used as part of the forum website. we assigned who would write out pseudocode for each of these main functions, of course this may be subject to change in time if one of us struggles in a certain area or something of the like. I personally got started on figuring out how the database tables are going to be laid out, before continuing on to start outlining pseudocode for how a new user is to be created. I will also note I was absent on Tuesday and Wednesday last week due to personal reasons but I used this time to do more research and practice with php0 313Group 2 Project 3 Ram Ponnam s4663748 18/7/23 Session 08 Today, Assignment 1 scores are out, out group discussed with Terry regarding our score. Then we discussed about the algorithm for anonymization of users when posting messages, we discussed the algorithm to be used, and we tried to create the algorithm as well. mainly we tried to use the username and the date as the parameters for the function.0 513Stephen Brackenridge s8090210 Group 3 Project 5: Our team spent over two hours clarifying our results from the first assessment and how we could improve our next project plan. We then reviewed our functional and non-functional requirements, in line with advice that we needed to adjust them and then rest of the document. We discussed our plans for the next session and assigned roles to each of the new functional requirements. 0
2992023-07-1806:00:03BrandonProject 613Session 8, Group 1 - I was sick today and had to attend the doctors, so like the previous lesson, I was at home. I worked on the my two sections "Contingency" and "Market Research". I did further research on the meaning of contingency to understand the meaning of it better, so I could word my report accordingly. With the market research, our app is very specific, so I had to research a more general market. Looked at templates to better understand how to structure the piece in a more professional matter. 0 613Today all of us worked on redoing the main functions and going into more detail for each one after getting feedback from the report plan such as, changing colour, user can connect to a light etc. After having our discussion i started changing the time-line and Gantt by adding the functions as tasks and delegating dates to each task. I also changed some of the pseudo code to better reflect the redone functions.0 613we got our markings for our first planning report and read all the comments, so we discussed, what to remove and what to work on for better report. we re-distributed all our topics and started working on more functions that we can add into our GUI interface. we tried connecting multiple bulbs and applied some patterns. also working on final report and updating or making changes according to comments that we got from last report. 0 613Today we had to discuss about user interface since its our main task and we decided to take Toms work he tried using Python in VisualStudio. i need to explain all the Interfaces so i played around with the GUI that we created and the main problem was, we could't apply effects on multiple bulb at the same time and we spent lot of our time today to look for the solution and we found it. Now we were able to apply effects on multiple bulbs so we just need to apply it in our GI thats Tom worked on.0 613Tim - s4550195 - Session 8 Diary • Discussed our marks for assessment 1, going over each piece of feedback one by one with our instructor and bringing up some things that we were unhappy about in the marking. • Tested our python code to understand what each part does, such as hue (colour), saturation, brightness and temperature as well as pauses and transition effects. • Tested the special effects part of the program, eventually getting the ‘police lights’ effect to work on all 15 lights with no delay. • Spoke with our instructor about how the main 8 functions need to be the center of all parts of the report and clearly established what those main functions are. Also spoke about the use case diagram about how we should remove the ‘Lights’ actor and the basic functions such as Login from the diagram. • Got a better understanding of Assessment 2 report and how we should go about allocating each member a function and that they should discuss all elements of that function. 0 613We had a bit of an explosive start to the lesson, having all received our marks for our initial project plan which nobody was happy with. Everyone was up in arms, but after a bit of back and forth and clearing things up, it turns out that the marks displayed to us were not entirely accurate, leaving out the Diary Entry marks. Regardless, I'm still not too happy, but at least it’s a passing grade. Moving forward, we had a big discussion clearing up any confusion about the final report and properly defined our main functions. We have 8 Main Functions of the project including: Lights On/Off, Change Colour, Change Brightness, Play Special Lighting Effects, View/Change Song, Play/Pause Song, View All Connected Lights and Add light. With this information, we are hoping to make a final report that aligns with the requirements of the unit.0
2792023-07-1706:10:0612Group 3 Project 5: Today I worked on Market Research. The team then had a little check up session where everyone talked in detail about their progress and we decided to start on the presentation as soon as possible. I hope to finish Market Research and user analysis by the end of today so I can start on making UI diagrams tomorrow. 0
2782023-07-1706:04:4412Project 5: Student ID: s8077239 Added extra diagrams and detail to the infrastructure review. Extensive security notes and detail specifying how we will protect each component, using what technologies. 0
2772023-07-1706:03:1912Session 5: We started working on the Final Project. After having a group discussion on how we want the webpage to look like, I started to work on making the wire frames using Figma for our CMS content page. 0
2762023-07-1706:01:2012Project 5: Student ID: s8077239 Added more content to the architecture overview Added detailed security section and details about reliability Added powerpoint to start our presentation0
2642023-07-1702:48:1712Worked on Timeline, functional and non-functional requirements. 0 112We discussed about changing out pooject scope and function as it was not alligned with the project. A meeting is set up for tonight with absent members to make sure we're on the right track of the project.0 112we discussed changing the project to align more with the project assigned to us. Assigned group members different tasks to go back and change what needs to be changed.0 112Discussed on redoing some of our mistakes on our project such as function and project scope. Still currently working on my part on the project. Brainstorming ideas for the database schema still. 0 212Sushant - Introduced the project proposal sample slides, and started working on the project background and ER diagram.0 312Group 2 Project 3 Ahsan Bhatti s4619147 Session 7, for today session I worked on the seperate section for the website. Section 1 is working properly but geting error for section 2, 3 and 4. For today's session I wanted to work on sign up and sign in link, but becasue of the error I am getting for the sections I have to solve them first. My group also finalised the group project, we shared the topics that each of the team would do. 0 312Group 2 Project 3 Ram Ponnam s4663748 17/7/23 Session 07 Today I started working on our assessment 2, final proposal part. Checked all the points to mention, flow of our website, user registration, Technologies used which include web server, Mysql database, linux host on digital ocean, letsencrypt digital certificate,etc. and also discussed about some function flows, like user registration, forum messages, posting a message, creating a new topic, etc.0 512Today we worked on our final project and we start to discuss about our presentation. I found details and information's about my parts and successfully we end our discussions for today about presentation0 512Stephen Brackenridge s8090210 Group 3 Project 5: Today I looked into the ER diagrams for our CMS and installed Microsoft SQL Server and the associated management console, so I could see an example diagram of our database. I then converted this to online and began to clarify the relationships in the diagram. I also added two new tasks for myself on Notion, our collaboration tool, with an executive summary and test cases, which the team and I felt were helpful to have in our documentation. We checked in with each other at 3pm and discussed the work we had done, and agreed to start work on our presentation slides so it's not done at the last minute. I led the discussions and encouraged everyone to communicate if they needed any clarification or wanted to discuss any of their project sections. 0
2812023-07-1706:48:14BrandonProject 612Group 1 Session 9 - Worked from home today due to sickness, but over discord we narrowed down our project scope and goals. We decided to only make a pc app, instead of making a mobile app as well. As mentioned, I used discord to talk to the other members, and they excellent at replying. So even though I wasn't in class, communication was still strong. I continued to work on my section of the project, and this was done on Microsoft word. I will finish my part on there, then transfer it over to the group google doc.0
2802023-07-1706:47:28BrandonProject 612Session - Worked from home today due to sickness, but over discord we narrowed down our project scope and goals. We decided to only make a pc app, instead of making a mobile app as well. As mentioned, I used discord to talk to the other members, and they excellent at replying. So even though I wasn't in class, communication was still strong. I continued to work on my section of the project, and this was done on Microsoft word. I will finish my part on there, then transfer it over to the group google doc.0 612We discussed about our UI plan. Today i worked on basic Pseudo code for each of light and speaker functions. Reconnected each light in the room and assigned permanent IP addresses to them. Got the demo code to work again and got it to work with multiple lights. Set a deadline for the draft of the final report to be most done on Wednesday and to be worked on during the session.0 612Today we had to discuss about user interface since its our main task and we decided to take Toms work he tried using Python in VisualStudio. i need to explain all the Interfaces so i played around with the GUI that we created and the main problem was, we could't apply effects on multiple bulb at the same time and we spent lot of our time today to look for the solution and we found it. Now we were able to apply effects on multiple bulbs so we just need to apply it in our GI thats Tom worked on.0 612Tim s4550195 - Session 7 Diary • Over the weekend I started building the front-end application that will control the lights, play music, play special lighting effects and add more lights • Tried to work out connection issues between our program and the lights • Went over the assessment 2 report with our instructor and took notes on what needs to be done • Refined our allocation to suit • Had a look at the UI for our application and decided on the layout/contents • Accessed the router settings and gave each light a permanent IP address because they were changing daily • Made a list of each light and their respective IP • Continued working on the “Add more lights” page in the application • Started creating the use cases now that the overall layout of the application UI has been established 0 612A team member had completed a draft of a user interface over the past week that would be suitable for our project and showed it to us in class. We were all pretty happy with the general layout and we thought it was appropriate with the direction we wanted to go with the front end. We finally set up all the smart lights properly and connected them to a router that was supplied in the classroom. We assigned static IP’s to make it easy to identify and code for them appropriately. We discussed more about the final report and exactly what we want to include and exclude, and now we’re certain on how we will each do our contributions and complete the report.0 group 111BF grp 1 session 6 . worked on rewriting locker bank code to read QR code differently as the raspberry pi can only handle a lite version of opencv. created APK from android studio. installed APK on an old phone I had. tested successful, tested logging in. success. tested creating a new user. success.0 group 111Peter Hans s4643570 group 1 session 5. Completed the 1st draft of the testing results. Completed the relational MVC database for the Firebase. Completed Signup for the user manual0 group 211Peter Gregorczyk, s4661352, group 2, Diary entry 6: started work on the UI layout, am exhausted from work so I didn't really do much today, will work on it more over the weekend, maybe have a first draft completed.0 group 110BF group1 session 5. tested new servo motor (success), built a lite version of openCV for raspberryPI added pyzbar library and tested qr read from webcam (succes). added some details to the locker subsystem section of the final report0 group 110Peter Hans s4643570 group 1 session 5. Completed working on raspberry pi, finished on user manual for the installation of android studio. Started doing on the installation of plugins on the android studio. 0 group 210Peter Gregorczyk, s4661352, group 2, Diary entry 5: Completed working on the materials and methods (now named implementation of technologies), i have also added the aim, and will next be working on the UI layout.0 group 210Finished Writing CommandThread CommandWatcher and command sender robot is now controlled by the voice application. Proof read report and worked on introduction aswell as collected references0 group 310Christian Marino s4659183, Group 3, Session 5, Diary entry 5: Continued work on the User Manual adding other sections needed to explain how to use the app and updating other sections in more detail. I also continued work on the project report, collecting references and updating existing sections in more detail. Created the E-Poster and began work on it. 0 group 310Creating the e-poster and user manual. Adding scenarios to the application and assorting database.0 group 310Collaborate with Team members and demonstrate the quiz game. Shared source code with other members and discuss on task that is remaining and split task among us. 0
2272023-07-1204:30:589Worked through the second step PROJECT SCOPE and findings for functional requirements from different articles as a reference. 0 discussed about project 2. Made a start on working on my part for the project which is the database schema. 0 group 19BF group 1 session 4. worked on raspberry PI blew up my servo motor. tried to test if it was actually blown up. added to the final report first draft of introduction and scope review added some more details to database section0 group 19Peter Hans Group 1 Session 4. Worked on raspberry pi, created first draft of functional and non functional requirement of the project. Added testing for sign-up in the final report, created first draft of user manual (Installation of android studio)0 group 19Peter Hans Group 1 Session 4. Worked on raspberry pi, created first draft of functional and non functional requirement of the project. Added testing for sign-up in the final report, created first draft of user manual (Installation of android studio)0 group 29Peter Gregorczyk, s4661352, group 2, Diary entry 4: Working on the final report, almost completed the materials and methods and or implementation of technologies. should start working on the UI layout next session.0 group 29Completed the control of QBOT with python application. Finally completed the installation and user manual. Started outlining future maintenance for the application. And started writing about the materials used0 group 39Christian Marino s4659183, Group 3, Session 4, Diary entry 4: Today I updated the project report adding to the conclusion section and editing other sections. I also created the User Manual and began work on that explaining how to use the website such as creating an account, logging in, choosing a scenario etc. 0 group 39Worked through the second step PROJECT SCOPE and findings for functional requirements from different articles as a reference.0 group 39Work on our project, added scenario questions and change UI background. Had a meeting with group partner and discuss on how to implement different scenarios rather having all questions in one main scenes.0 19Duong Netra Chheng s4615300 session 6 I missed out on the first session of the start of assesment 2, so today i discussed with the group and the leader which part I will be comlpeting. I'm mainly going to complete most of the diagrams, this include, the UI, Case, sequesce and ERD diagrams. I've started to do the UI diagram today and aim to finish it in the next couple days. 0 19group 4 Hayden Green I worked on the pseudocode and I helped establish a time to discuss more details about our website with all members.0 19Today, I started working on the use cases diagram creating a draft which is near completed, and have gone back to functions to due to there being a lack of main functions for the development of this web app , hopefully finalising the main functions with my group in the next meeting we hold 0 19Discussed about project 2 on who is doing what on the project. Made a start on working on my part for the project which is the database schema by brainstorming what variables I will be using for the schema. I will research more about database schema since I have forgotten all about it. If asked, I will help others completing their parts for the project.0 19Project 1 - Group 4 Discussed each others roles together as a group on part 2 of the project portfolio. Continued to work on my section of the portfolio which is the database schema. Spoke with WIlliam who is working with me on the database schema as to when we can communicate together outside of class. Plan to focus further on the database schema tonight. 0 29Worked on Timeline, functional and non-functional requirements. 0 29Worked on Timeline, functional and non-functional requirements. 0 29Worked through the second step PROJECT SCOPE and findings for functional requirements from different articles as a reference.0 29Worked through the second step PROJECT SCOPE and findings for functional requirements from different articles as a reference.0 29Worked through the second step PROJECT SCOPE and findings for functional requirements from different articles as a reference.0 29Worked through the second step PROJECT SCOPE and findings for functional requirements from different articles as a reference.0 39Session 6 Dairy Entry: After reviewing Project Proposal 2 requirements, the team agreed to the sections we would each cover. We decided that at the end of every session we should inform the group of our progress on each of our tasks before we submit case notes for the day. I then started to review my sections of the Project Proposal 2 and decided to focus on updating the sections I've started in the previous project plan before tackling the areas that have not been started. I hope to finish them updating the old sections by the end of the week so I can work on UI 0 39Group 2 Project3 Ram Ponnam s4663748 12/7/23 Session 06 Today, Our group continued the work on the Xampp server, windows virtual host, hosting the xampp server. Today I started looking for the digital certificate authority for our https website, and thought to use letsencrypt. We also worked on the github code.0 59Today with my team members we discuss about the final project and I thought of doing project scope, Risk management plus Agile metholodgy. Next I was start working on my parts finding information for the related topics. was a good day.0 59Project 5: Student ID: s8077239 Added more content to the architecture overview Added detailed security section and details about reliability Added powerpoint to start our presentation0 59Stephen Brackenridge s8090210 Group 3 Project 5: Today I spent the start of the session reviewing and updating our chosen collaboration tool, which we have settled on to be Notion. There were some teething issues and it required some setup and configuration that was a little frustrating, but once it was functional the team agreed to the sections we would cover in Project Proposal 2. It discussed that the end of each of our sessions would involve informing the group of our progress on each of our tasks, before we submitted our case notes for the day. We then agreed to review how we would allocated tasks for the presentation on Monday. I then started to review my sections of the Project Proposal 2 and decided to focus on updating the sections I've started in the first project plan before tackling the areas that have not been started yet. 0
2482023-07-1206:53:37BrandonProject 69Session 6 - Finalizing the delegation of tasks, for the documentation. Making sure the everyone has an equal amount of workload. This was quite difficult because some tasks require more work than others, so finding a balance was difficult but we were able to do it. We put emphasis on how the UI is going to look, and discussed how it will function. General discussion about features and plugins were discussed, and how they will integrate will the program. 0
2312023-07-1204:33:43BrandonProject 69Session 5 - We continued to work on the document, making great progress. Discussed some specifics on the code, and how to improve it. Threw out some ideas regarding the UI. 0 69We delegated the tasks for the final report. Ran into issues on connecting to the lights, the IP address changed for each light bulb so need to figure out how to permanently set a static IP address for each lights. Did a lot of discussions about the main functions and about starting the UI Design. Started working on a rough draft pseudo code.0 69We discussed and distribute all the topics where i picked UI diagram which has to do with our User interface application where i can put all the controls for the user to interact with the lights and show all the process like how it works. i tried some codes to implement the synchronizing the music with the lights which i failed several times but getting new ideas each time to get use to coding.0 69Tim s4550195 - Session 6 Diary • Looked at different ways we can get a Wordpress website or Javascript application to run Python code • Looked at possible ways of creating a UI with Python • Ran into an error in the python program where the lights were changing their IP addresses so the list of lights made on Monday was no longer valid • Briefly looked at how to make a static IP in python • Looked into what is involved to complete the final project • Made a new Google document for the final project that the group can work on • Allocated the different sections to each of us • Discussed plans for the next week and our goals for finishing the final project 0
2192023-07-1107:40:23810/07/23 Today we submitted our project plan for assessment 1. After this I decided to spend my time brushing up on my php skills. Since I haven't used php in over a year I didn't really remember many of the finer details of how to use it. I set up a simple localhost server in a kali linux virtual machine to host my php code, then would use visual studio code to edit the files. This way I could test my php code constantly by saving in visual studio, then refreshing a browser page that is viewing my localhost php files. Main things for me to practise today were some of the basic php syntax, sending and receiving POST values, and reading and writing to text files. I did my practise with text files as I believe some of those skills are likely to transfer to the use of SQL databases with PHP. Later I also got all of these things set up on my home computer as well. 0 group 48Alvin Odion s4598519, Group 4, Session 4, Today I and my team members focused on demonstrating our project using frontend and backend codes connected to our app in classroom D633 to control the functions of the bulbs through our designed application using Kasa API. Our findings were that we needed to use the hue and saturation values for the Kasa API color function instead of adding the colors differently. In the Kasa API bulbs setup in classroom D633, the colors do not apply directly, like green, blue, and yellow. It sets the value of hue and saturation to set colors. We have added colors, combine colors, and scheduling into the api.0 18project 1, discussed assessment 2 and I gave each group member their role and distributed tasks. I also started on the Pseudocode for my project0 18ID: s4656753, Project 1. Discussed on Assessment 2. Made a start as a group to begin working on the assessment. 0 18Project 1 - Group 4 Discussed part 2 of our portfolio, Requirements analysis and system design, with my group members. Each group member got their roles and tasks. We made a start on the portfolio together today. Will focus on the portfolio and communicate on it more through our social group chat outside of class. 0 28Introduce to the coordinator and cover up previously missed classes. Started working on Project 2 (Online Voting System).0 28Introduce to the coordinator and cover up previously missed classes. Started working on Project 2 (Online Voting System).0 38Session 5: We started working on the Final Project. After having a group discussion on how we want the webpage to look like, I started to work on making the wire frames using Figma for our CMS content page. 0 38Monday 11/07 Session 4(Sorry I forgot to submit yesterday): I worked on finalising our Project Description and added a section that explained the project rational. I then worked on merging the Project Description and Background to make one cohesive paragraph. After that i worked on Risk Management with my team mate. I cited our reference and worked on risk mitigation, likelihood and consequences . We then went through the whole Project Plan and the group leader submitted0 38Ahsan Bhatti s4619147 11/07/2023 Today me and my team mates (Ram,Malcolmn) continued on php coding for our website on linux. I tried fixing errors that was on my part and rechecked it with my team leader if I was missing any codes, as we wrote our code we also run at the same time to check if the website is running fine. Our progress looks good for now. 0 3810/07/23 Today we submitted our project plan for assessment 1. After this I decided to spend my time brushing up on my php skills. Since I haven't used php in over a year I didn't really remember many of the finer details of how to use it. I set up a simple localhost server in a kali linux virtual machine to host my php code, then would use visual studio code to edit the files. This way I could test my php code constantly by saving in visual studio, then refreshing a browser page that is viewing my localhost php files. Main things for me to practise today were some of the basic php syntax, sending and receiving POST values, and reading and writing to text files. I did my practise with text files as I believe some of those skills are likely to transfer to the use of SQL databases with PHP. Later I also got all of these things set up on my home computer as well. 0 38Group 2 Project3 Ram Ponnam s4663748 11/7/23 Session 05 Today I installed windows 10 vmware on my virtual box, to setup XAMPP server and start working on mysql as well. I used phpmyadmin to administer the mysql database via web browser. The reason behind installing XAMPP is to test the opensource project on github. tried installing it again like yesterday and started the server and worked on it for a while. Then made a note regards all the points of update to work on it the following session. 0 58Project 5: Student ID: s8077239 Completed sequence diagrams, as well as a breakdown and details of each step in the sequence0 58Stephen Brackenridge s8090210 Group 3 Project 5: Today I lead the team in reviewing our tasks for the next project plan and presentation. We allocated tasks and then started working on them. I looked into an alternative to Instagantt as the trial we used for the gantt carts was expiring. I looked into Asana itself and again, however all the features I needed where locked behind paywalls. I ended up using Trello and adding in a power-up feature that converts the Trello content to a gantt chart. It took some time to move all the content from Intagantt to Trello and I had to recover some data that I deleted by accident. Our team all discussed naming of some categories in our CMS and then discussed some paper wireframing that showed some user flows for the Web App and the TV App and came to consensus on our preferred structure. 0 68Did some research on librosa and how to use it. Installed python environment to Visual studio and tested out a librosa tutorial code to analyze a sample music file from the librosa library and print the beat tempo in text. We could potentially implement that with the lights to sync audio with lights, we will have to do more research to see if its possible. Discussed with the group who were absent about the final report requirements and talked about what changes are needed to be done before starting to make the required diagrams. Started working on some basic sequence diagrams of potentially using login and register system.0 68We worked on some pattern codes to figure out what we can apply to make the patterns interesting and also discussed what we are gonna do with the final report and distributed topics according to expertise. We played around with the bulbs and discussed about adding more colors and patterns. We used github to test all the codes that we were able to find using google search.0 68We were missing the majority of the group members today, so not much in person discussion was made, as we deemed it more beneficial to just wait for a day where everyone was present. We talked a little bit in person about the final project and distributing the workload evenly. Using the online messaging platform we had arranged for the group project, we had messaged the rest of the team, outlining sections of the final document that we will be discussing in person. I had also downloaded Visual Studio to test some of the python code we had discovered yesterday, changing the colours of the lights and dimming them.0
2052023-07-1009:28:437work on a new angle on implementing simulator using Adobe Captative. Created a new quiz game using adobe and working creating avatar using Adobe animation. 0
2032023-07-1006:53:407Project 5: Student ID: s8077239 - Rihan Meij Completed architecture review. Spell-check and format the document so it looks professional Started work on the sequence diagrams 0 s4656167, Group 3, Diary entry 4. Finalised our Project Proposal tasks. Worked as a group to contribute and complete the document. Finished Gantt chart and made a short description on it. Made contribution table as a group. Submitted the document.0
1852023-07-1004:18:307We managed to retrieve all the IPs of the bulbs we are working on using GitHub and managed to change some color patterns. Finalized our Plan submission. and we discussed and manage to apply some cool patterns using python code. we tried to apply new ideas to play around with the the lights to know what else we can add or doo cool stuff with it. 0
1842023-07-1004:18:187We managed to retrieve all the IPs of the bulbs we are working on using GitHub and managed to change some color patterns. Finalized our Plan submission. and we discussed and manage to apply some cool patterns using python code. we tried to apply new ideas to play around with the the lights to know what else we can add or doo cool stuff with it. 0
1832023-07-1004:17:497We managed to retrieve all the IPs of the bulbs we are working on using GitHub and managed to change some color patterns. Finalized our Plan submission. and we discussed and manage to apply some cool patterns using python code. we tried to apply new ideas to play around with the the lights to know what else we can add or doo cool stuff with it. 0
1822023-07-1004:09:027Session 4 group 4 I finished the timeline and guided wynton on how to complete the Gantt chart 0 group 47Alvin Odion s4598519, Group 4, Session 3 Me and my team members focused on the backend of our project were able to turn the lights on and of and in the process of putting our work in the mobile application and hopefully demonstrate our work on Monday.0 17Finished the group project part 1. finalising the project scope with the assistance of thurstan, and submitting the document0 17Session 2 Diary - We have discussed what roles would be taken regarding the project, and I have been assigned Project Scope, during this session my fellow Thurstan and I have already made a start on the project scope by researching other web browsers similar to one we have in mind, mainly focusing on the the functions and non-functions, and are gonna continue on this next session hopefully aiming to get the tools and Functional requirements finalised0 17Session 3 - Today I worked on the tools and functionality nearly finalising the project scope aspect part of the assessment and started brainstorming for even more recommendations the system can have 0 17Netra Chheng s4615300, Finalised the project in this session. We managed the project in this session, we also had aa read through the project plan and finallay submitted it. 0 17Session 4 group 4 I finished the timeline and guided wynton on how to complete the Gantt chart 0 17Group 4 - s4657332 - Project 1 : For todays session I have finished off the project scope in the planning stage assessment0 17Group 4 - s4657332 - Project 1 : For todays session I have finished off the project scope in the planning stage assessment0 27Introduce to the coordinator and cover up previously missed classes. Started working on Project 2 (Online Voting System).0 37Ahsan Bhatti s4619147, Group 2 Session 4, today my group (Ram, Malcolmn) we proceeded on developing PHP and started on with our website. We planned what our website will look like and proceed to code on that planning. We used kali linux to implement our code for php. Our group also completed project 1, our group dividied the section into seperate part. I worked on the Project plan and proposal and my other team worked on their part. 0 37Group 2 Project3 Ram Ponnam s4663748 10/7/23 Session 04 So today we worked on the assignment 1 submission. I worked on the project functional and non functional part. Researched on the functional part as we are working on a forum page, so identified all the functional requirements like user login, password protection,moderation user profile,rating, etc. and gave detailed analysis on each of the requirements. And then, we started working on the code for the base website, its just the code for the static website. we used the PHP -S on Linux for a temporary web server and then worked on our designs, using HTML and CSS. We started looking for open source templates for our forum, identified one at, and tried to asses the project, found to be useful, but have to check more on that, our team planned to work on that in the next session. 0 57Stephen Brackenridge s8090210 Group 3 Project 5: Completed my sections of project plan 1. Supported the team to complete their sections and assisted in reviewing the document. Uploaded the document and sent confirmation of the upload to the team. 0
1962023-07-1005:39:50BrandonProject 67We were able to control the lights, via python on our computers which is a huge step forward. Finding information about the IP and MAC address was very helpful for us. We finalized the initial document, submitted it, and started on the new one. We discussed the delegation of tasks between group members. We are currently working on the python file, to optimise the light functionalities. We are all working well together!0 67We Finalized our project plan report for submission. Found the IP addresses for each light bulb. Tested some demo codes from GitHub in Visual studio that uses python classes to connect to the light bulb using the IP address. We got the code to change color, brightness, temperature and cycle through different colors. Documented a list of IP addresses for each light bulb. Did more research was conducted for the final report. Trying to figure out what database we can use and what to store in it(Music files, User information etc.)0 67Tim s4550195 - Diary Session 4: • Put final touches on our Project Plan report • Downloaded a python class that allows us to connect to our TPLink smart lights • Found a way to show the IP addresses of each individual light • Connected to a specific light’s IP addresses and changed the colour through the python program • Discovered a way to cycle through colours • Made a list of each light, its location and its IP address • Early discussions about the final project due in 3 weeks 0 67We touched on the initial project plan, finalising our document for submission. We found relevant device information about the smart bulbs, including IP Address and MAC Address. With this, we were able to link it with some python code to communicate with the smart bulbs and change certain things with it. We will look further into this and see if we can implement code to get it to do what we want. We began talking about what sort of pathway we want to go with the project, further discussing potential features we could provide with the smart bulbs. We also discussed how we are going to set up the server to host all relevant applications and files. Further research will be required.0
1772023-07-0722:48:166Victor s4664784 - Had a meeting with the group and discuss the next project details and what we have done so far. Present to my group what the project is what we are looking at achieving before due date0
1762023-07-0708:22:046Alvin Odion s4598519, Group 4, Me and my team members focused on the backend of our project were able to turn the lights on and of and in the process of putting our work in the mobile application and hopefully demonstrate our work on Monday.0 group 16went shopping for raspberry pi components, servo motor , motion sensor , wires . added to the database and design portion of the final report, layout of firestore database. brief explanation0 group 16Peter Hans s464357, Group 1, Session 3, Diary entry 3: Continued adding the report by completing the technology requirement and adding some challenges and issues on the project.0 group 16Peter Hans s464357, Group 1, Session 3, Diary entry 3: Continued adding the report by completing the technology requirement and adding some challenges and issues on the project.0 group 26Peter Gregorczyk, s4661352, group 2, Diary entry 2: added a few more finer touches to the project (mostly aesthetic), worked on the final report with Rylee adding to the user manual 0 group 26Completed outline for final report and started writing installation manual documenting the installation of python and AI models aswell as the system requirements. Started creation of a testing framework and looking at the creation of a confusion map0 group 36Bruno Ongaratto Teixeira s4666392, Group 3, Session 3, Diary entry 2: Today, I made significant progress on my final report by finalizing the research findings and drafting our final report. I also took the time to review a sample of the final report to ensure its adequacy and compliance with the required format and content. The review allowed me to identify areas that needed improvement and make necessary adjustments. 0 group 36Christian Marino s4659183, Group 3, Session 3, Diary entry 3: Continued work on the project report. Updated the overview and executive summary sections and added information for ethics of the project.0 group 15group1 session 2 attempted to setup raspberry pi. failed. discusses project poster with assefa and peter. edited first draft of custom animation widget section in final report.0 group 15Peter Hans s4643570, Group 1, Session 2, Diary entry 2: Continued working on the report by filling out the technology used for the project and playing around with the raspberry pi0 group 25Peter Gregorczyk, s4661352, group 2, Diary entry 2: I completed a few updates on the voice recognition and setup for other devices to use the program today, adding to the requirements.txt document and updating the app to more user friendly0 group 25Rylee George s4619436 | Worked on MATLAB communication to QBOT and connected to TCP server Worked on final report and started writing the outline of the Voice AI MODEL0 group 35Christian Marino s4659183, Group 3, Session 2, Diary entry 2: Continued work on the Challenges section of the project report, which shows the challenges we had with the certain technologies we used. I then began work on the implementation section with unity implementation and the system architecture section which explains the technologies used for the project.0 group 35Session 2, Writing in more onto the final doc such as requirements, chellenges, overviews, and more. Detailing the processes in making the application and developing it. Taking note on specific member duties and organizing rough drafts of the poster.0 group s4656167, Group 3, Session 1. Coordinating final report tasks. Started discussion on what to add to documentation. Completing our project diary from the past four blocks and giving a simple overview of the outcome.0 group s4656167, Group 3, Session 1. Coordinating final report tasks. Started discussion on what to add to documentation. Completing our project diary from the past four blocks and giving a simple overview of the outcome.0 group 45Alvin Odion s4598519, Group 4, Diary entry 2: focused on intergrating the kasa smart api into our application. we are learning about the kasa equipment form the manual and all the functions that it has.0 3506/07/23 Today I hopped on for a little while and finished up the gantt chart. I also added a “project timeline” section to the report to attach that chart to before writing up a description of it for the report. Only a little less than an hours work but I still felt it was worth recording for the diary 0 3505/06/23 Went into class today and got to work on the project plan document. I worked on getting all the formatting correct for a half hour or so, along with adding all the headings of areas we want to have completed before monday when we show the professor how our work has been going (assessment 1). By adding all these headings in now it just makes it easy for my groupmates to find something to do and get stuck into it. I also started work on the first parts of the project plan filling out a bit of the background and description sections. In my research i found an interesting article about some data privacy threats in social media platforms ( i included this as a reference and used some of the information found here to help shape my ideas for the background behind why this application may be necessary. I also started work on a gantt chart that will give us a loose outline as to how the project will be run in the months to come during the implementation stage of this project. 0
1522023-07-0512:00:104Group3 Project- I worked on our project by updating UI and rearranging the code and showing our members what we have done so far. Later worked on our dairy by added details about our meeting and updating all section as needed. Discussed further with team on how to hand in other projects.0
1492023-07-0507:15:014Dairy Group 4 - s4657332 - Project 1 : For todays session the group continued on the planning stage and I’ve worked on the documents that we created in our previous session as we continued to work on it we also brainstormed further for more ideas.0
1462023-07-0506:53:004Project 1 - Group 4 - s4658377 Diary entry 3 Continued to work on the timeline with my partner in the group. Got started on creating a Gantt chart. Agreed on communicating together as a group tomorrow evening on our social media group. Plan to continue working on the Gantt chart outside of class so it can be ready for Monday submission. Wynton Kelly0 group 14Bryan France s3892805 Group1. Session 1. Edited the progress report. took our online document offline and edited and cleaned up formatting thats unavailable in office365. Saved out PDF ready for submission. Argued with Yuan and Assefa on how doing these session reports are a redundant waste of time.0 group 14Peter Hans s4643570, Group 1, Session 1, Diary Entry 1: I edited and finishing up my firebase/phone systems in my progress report/progress diary. While My partner (Bryan) Edited and finished up his progress report/progress diary, which is about the locker system of the project.0 group 24Peter Gregorczyk, s4661352, group 2, Diary entry 1: updated project diary to match the progress of the project, updated the UI on the project to make it more user friendly, and updated info page to add more details.0 group 24Diary Entry 1. I loaded up our progress reports and after discussing with Assefa our supervisor he gave feedback on our progress diaries which then I implemented his feedback. I then gave a demonstration to Assefa on our app and the progress we made. Argued with Yuan and Assefa on how doing these session reports are a redundant waste of time.0 group 34Bruno Ongaratto Teixeira s4666392, Group 3, Session 1, Diary entry 1: I focused on two key areas today: compiling meeting minutes to document discussions, decisions, and actions, and initiating the final report. We started to work on the final report that will include an executive summary, project overview, and details of changed tasks. These efforts aim to enhance transparency, facilitate effective communication, and provide stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the project's progress and outcomes. 0 group 34Christian Marino s4659183, Group 3, Session 1, Diary entry 1: Started working on the project diary and putting in all of the meeting minutes. Worked on the Project report filling in the executive summary explaining what the document contains, Gave an overview of the entire project, and began work on the challenges part of the document. My group discussed what we will do in the next session.0 group s4656167, Group 3, Session 1. Coordinating final report tasks. Started discussion on what to add to documentation. Completing our project diary from the past four blocks and giving a simple overview of the outcome.0 group 44Alvin Odion s4598519, Group 4, Session 1, Diary entry 1: focused on the database of the light project using Firebase, but also helping my teammates with frontend and backend; at the moment, we are working with issues with the server, and trying to find a solution for it, and working on the last two buttons that need to be fixed in the application.0 14Session 3 - Today I worked on the tools and functionality nearly finalising the project scope aspect part of the assessment and started brainstorming for even more recommendations the system can have 0 14Session 3 - Today I worked on the tools and functionality nearly finalising the project scope aspect part of the assessment and started brainstorming for even more recommendations the system can have 0 14Session 3 - Today I worked on the tools and functionality nearly finalising the project scope aspect part of the assessment and started brainstorming for even more recommendations the system can have 0 14Netra Chheng s4615300 Session 3 Today i started to write the into and background of the project. The project background is completed. We also discussed the project scoped and time line between the group members. We aim to finish this project by sunday and will be in touch with the group members within the coming days. 0 14Netra Chheng s4615300 Session 3 Today i started to write the into and background of the project. The project background is completed. We also discussed the project scoped and time line between the group members. We aim to finish this project by sunday and will be in touch with the group members within the coming days. 0 14group 4 session 3 Hayden Green 4655277 completed the timeline of this unit and started on the timeline of outside of the unit and next unit.0 14Group 4 Diary. s4656753 - Came on the first day which is session 3. Joined group 4 and we discussed what we are doing for our project. In progress of brainstorming ideas0 34Session 3 Diary: Today I worked on completing the Project Background. I researched existing applications that provided similar services or worked the same as our proposed project. I listed Yodeck and Liqvid. They allow users to display content on their tvs and other electronic display signages. I listed advantages and disadvantages and explained why our project was better and therefore worth pursuing. I then started on Project description; I need more information from the team to complete Project Description, so I have started working on Risk Management with one of my teammates.0 34project diary Malcolm Bayliss S4636508 03/06/23 Today all students were introduced to how the projects are going to be performed, I had already spoken with a couple students and we had already decided we would do the project together. We were also introduced to the topics. The group agrees that the anonymous forum is most applicable to our cyber security experience. I have started toying with ideas as to how this web application may be developed and how it will work. today, due to personal reasons I do not have my laptop available to me, so I have decided to use my notepad to sketch out a couple of the ideas that I might use. currently this is very messy and is simply done in order to help me understand concepts. So far we have a semi-structured idea as to how the website will be laid out and we have decided we are going to use html, php, css, and SQL to construct our website. 04/06/23 Unfortunately less updates for today. I was unable to attend class due to an unforeseen incident. Later in the day in order to ensure I still had some progress to be proud of I brushed up on my php skills. I haven't used php much in a long time and have thus forgotten some details on specific commands and syntax.The old reliable resource of w3 schools was extremely useful in reminding me how php works allowing me to get some much needed practice. 0 54Today we are just planned most of the parts in project and our team leader describe what have to be done exactly and next we drew diagrams to the project about Android TV. As my part Project Scope and Risk management I was searching information from websites and articles and finally able to make my own points and add to the project successfully. The project bit hard but with the team members discussions and helps I suppose to manage it. 50% of the project completed successfully.0 54Project 5: Student ID: s8077239 Completed functional and non-functional requirements Ensured what frameworks are required for the TV Connect TV to interwebs Created Architecture Diagram Completed Architecture Overview 0 54Stephen Brackenridge s8090210 Group 3, Project 5. 5/7/23 I helped coordinate the team's tasks for the day, before working on use case diagrams. I checked in with the team while also doing research about the TV's we would be using and the software architecture and app store we would need to publish too. (Tizen on the Samsung Galaxy App Store). I shared the product information and user manual I found on the TV's that we would demo on to the group, before looking into the Tizen system and Galaxy Store for technical details. I then checked in with our organisational structure, and decided we still would use the OneDrive shared folder for our documents, but that a more robust project management tool would be helpful. For the Gantt chart functionality, we decided on using at this time, and I updated the functions and tasks on there and assigned each team member to them with estimated hours. I checked in with the team and helped set realistic deadlines for each member depending on their feedback of workload. I took on the edit and review role for the project and reiterated that the team could reach out with questions at any time. 0
1482023-07-0506:55:21BrandonProject 64Session 3 Diary - I finished the requirements and non-requirements section in the planning, and the group discussed further discussed methods to complete the task. We were able to connect to the smart bulb, via an app. I connected to all bulbs and named them accordingly. Most of the documentation is completed.0 64We connected to the light bulbs in the classroom using the Kaso Smart app. We were able to change the light settings (turn on/off, change color) and able to find IP addresses for each light bulb. Finished a brief timeline for this unit till prior to NEF3002 on what tasks are meant to be completed before each deadline. Worked out the main Functional and Non-Functional requirements. Found some source code and API for light bulbs(not final but more for guideline). Need to figure out how to connect to speakers. Looked at other potential programming languages and apps to use (Python,JavaScript,React,WordPress, Visual Studio).0 64We managed to connect and change the bulb colors and do basic things like switch on and of, name the bulb names so that we know which bulbs are we working on using Kasa smart App. Next Challange we discussed: 1: Build a WordPress page and learn how to integrate WordPress with Kasa app. 2: build some python codes for light patterns on a push of a button and link the functions to Kasa app through WordPress. Solution so far: 1: Found a link to help connect Spotify and WordPress with TP-Link.: 2: Found a link to help code for plug-ins with TP-Link and wordpress.: Working on: 1: Learning Python code to make those buttons for different functions in wordpress. 2: Also figuring out how to use Plugin codes to connect worpress with TP-Link.0 64We managed to connect and change the bulb colors and do basic things like switch on and of, name the bulb names so that we know which bulbs are we working on using Kasa smart App. Next Challange we discussed: 1: Build a WordPress page and learn how to integrate WordPress with Kasa app. 2: build some python codes for light patterns on a push of a button and link the functions to Kasa app through WordPress. Solution so far: 1: Found a link to help connect Spotify and WordPress with TP-Link.: 2: Found a link to help code for plug-ins with TP-Link and wordpress.: Working on: 1: Learning Python code to make those buttons for different functions in wordpress. 2: Also figuring out how to use Plugin codes to connect worpress with TP-Link.0 64Tim s4550195 - Diary Session 3 • Discussed the 3 focus areas of the project plan: Background, Functionalities and Timeline • Looked in to the router settings to allow us to set up the smart lights • Connected to the smart lights through an android phone which enabled us to power them on an off as well as change the brightness and colour • Continued working on my parts of the project plan, risk management plan and use case diagram • Looked for plugins on WordPress that would allow us to connect the smart lights or the google home to our website/application • Discovered a way to program the lights through Python coding methods • Looked at different options for programs we can use to build our application 0 64Session 3 - I started by informing my team members of a Discord server I had made for us to collaborate on the project and dump whatever information we find or think is relevant. We spent the session talking a little bit about the project plan and some important aspects to cover. We are planning to be quite open with the information we put down, not being too specific with the plan yet and exploring all avenues before we focus on whatever path we have decided. A few of us researched on different ways we can access the light bulbs and discussed further about the website we were originally thinking of making to control the lights. We’re not too sure at the time being, but we are still figuring out what would be an ideal way to get the smart bulbs to do what we want. We’ve sent each other some possible useful links for us to look at and aid us in the future. 0
1172023-07-0409:50:383Project 1 - Group 4 - s4658377 Diary entry 2 Discussed roles of project in the group. Chose to work on the timeline with a partner of the group. Started on planning the timeline with my partner. Created a social group so we can continue to communicate together outside of class. Talked about what we would focus on tomorrow in the next class, Session 3. 0
1152023-07-0406:11:093Brandon Imbesi s4636764, Group 1, Project 6, Diary Entry 2 - We switched our project to group 6, which is the light management system. Had to communicate with the guys remotely, and did individual research myself. Using python would be a viable option, while using something like amazon Alexa or google home is definitely on the table. Continued with creating the project plan document. 0
1102023-07-0405:50:333Project 1 - Group 4 - s4658377 Diary entry 2 Discussed roles of project in the group. Chose to work on the timeline with a partner of the group. Started on planning the timeline with my partner. Created a social group so we can continue to communicate together outside of class. Talked about what we would focus on tomorrow in the next class, Session 3. 0
982023-07-0404:37:223Anal0 13Session 2 Diary - We have discussed what roles would be taken regarding the project, and I have been assigned Project Scope, during this session my fellow Thurstan and I have already made a start on the project scope by researching other web browsers similar to one we have in mind, mainly focusing on the the functions and non-functions, and are gonna continue on this next session hopefully aiming to get the tools and Functional requirements finalised0 13I was assigned to do the background of the project. I did some research about how e-commerce is growing rapidly. I was looking at this website that shows which category contribute the most towards e-commerce businesses. Clothing contribute the most with 53%. I also had a look at different recommendation algorithm and system used by companies. I had a read through this article chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ where it says there are 3 different type of recommendation system, which is useful for our project. We can decided which algorithm we can implement to our project. 0 13Project 1 group 4 diary 2. s4655277 assigned each group member their designated role. started writing notes about tabs and what functions the website may need. Started timeline and planned developing Gantt chart with Wynton.0 13Project 1 group 4 diary 2. s4655277 assigned each group member their designated role. started writing notes about tabs and what functions the website may need. Started timeline and planned developing Gantt chart with Wynton.0 13s4657332 - Project 1 - Group 4 This session the group and i have decided on our roles and once we have split off to our sections we started brainstorming and planning on our ideas. I am working on the functionality with my fellow Adi and we have brainstormed on the functionality and non functionality of the application along.0 13s4657332 - Project 1 - Group 4 This session the group and i have decided on our roles and once we have split off to our sections we started brainstorming and planning on our ideas. I am working on the functionality with my fellow Adi and we have brainstormed on the functionality and non functionality of the application along.0 33Session 2 Diary: We discussed what our project requires. We focused on listing functional and non-functional components. We then assigned group roles. I then worked on the project Background. I research benefits of our apps, what kind of apps are out there that are similar, read and cite couple of articles on benefits of having interactive technology(tv display) in classrooms and how having them on campus can increase internal marketing and information distribution. I have started a draft for Background and hopefully will be able to complete it tomorrow. 0 53Found Team Members Discuss about the project work with team members and we create group on social media I had a problem with the logging to the Vu Portal and finally after changing user name and password, I was able to login.(It takes longer time) Next , group members shared their thoughts, opinions and finally I was agreed to do the Project scope about TV. (Android TV). Now we are finding information's and details from different websites and share our own thoughts and ideas regarding the project because we have short time period to submit out project plan. Finally we started working with the project 5.0 53Rihan Meij s8077239: Got team agreement on the functional and non functional requirements. Made the project document a bit neater, by adding a cover sheet, and some tweaks Expanded on described the functional requirements, started work on the non functional requirements0 53Stephen Brackenridge (s8090210) Tuesday 4/7/23 Today we integrated new team members into the group, explaining what we had discussed yesterday and what we had spoken to our supervisor about around the project requirements. I added the new members to our shared and Mirro boards, then we as a group discussed a rough outline of our functional and non- functional requirements. We allocated our tasks for today and I focussed on use case diagrams. I looked up the following websites; For referencing how to create a good use-case model, while also sketching out what the three key models might be for our project. After being reminded of the focus of the first assessment, I looked up; As possible solutions to creating a stylised timeline for our project plan. In the end I did not go ahead with these as we are hoping to use a different integrated timeline feature, and I needed to focus my time on my use case diagrams today and had gotten side tracked. 0 53Stephen Brackenridge (s8090210) Tuesday 4/7/23 Today we integrated new team members into the group, explaining what we had discussed yesterday and what we had spoken to our supervisor about around the project requirements. I added the new members to our shared and Mirro boards, then we as a group discussed a rough outline of our functional and non- functional requirements. We allocated our tasks for today and I focussed on use case diagrams. I looked up the following websites; For referencing how to create a good use-case model, while also sketching out what the three key models might be for our project. After being reminded of the focus of the first assessment, I looked up; As possible solutions to creating a stylised timeline for our project plan. In the end I did not go ahead with these as we are hoping to use a different integrated timeline feature, and I needed to focus my time on my use case diagrams today and had gotten side tracked. 0 53Stephen Brackenridge (s8090210) Tuesday 4/7/23 Today we integrated new team members into the group, explaining what we had discussed yesterday and what we had spoken to our supervisor about around the project requirements. I added the new members to our shared and Mirro boards, then we as a group discussed a rough outline of our functional and non- functional requirements. We allocated our tasks for today and I focussed on use case diagrams. I looked up the following websites; For referencing how to create a good use-case model, while also sketching out what the three key models might be for our project. After being reminded of the focus of the first assessment, I looked up; As possible solutions to creating a stylised timeline for our project plan. In the end I did not go ahead with these as we are hoping to use a different integrated timeline feature, and I needed to focus my time on my use case diagrams today and had gotten side tracked. 0 63We changed projects to Project 6: Lights/speaker management system. Our main goal for our application is that the lights and speaker should dynamically synchronize accordingly. We were thinking of using WordPress and Python for our application but still looking into other options. Working out the background and main functions of the project is going to be and who the target users are. Did some research on existing application related to out project ( Alexa, Google Home, Philips Hue). Philips hue has an app that sync music with their lights already. The light bulb used in the room is TP Link LED LB130, we found out that can do a basic setup the light bulbs using the Kasa Smart App (lets us add,configure and manage light bulbs). Would have work out how to get the music syncing to work (extra coding , third-party applications etc). Going to plan on doing a timeline for the group. 0 63Our first topic that we picked was already taken by another group and we didn't know we can't work on same project so we had to change out topic to Project 6: Lights/Music Management System where our goal is to integrate the smart lights with speaker so that it can synchronize the lights with music and change color of the lights according to music and be able to control basic light commands like Turnoff, On, Change color and goes with the beat of the music. we got some intel's from this web site: on how to connect the bulbs and synchronize it with google devices like speakers and google home. Hypothetical Plans: 1: Use google home and Kasa App to connect the smart light bulb to local network. 2: Configure those light bulbs so that it can have colors and be able to synchronize with the google home device or speaker. 3: Play music from the speaker and the light act according to the beats of the music. We distributed the sections according to our group members expertise and decided to help each other with any problems they face while working from distance using discord App.0 63Tim s4550195 - Diary Session 2 • Found out the make and model of the smart lights we are using for this project • Discussed general requirements and users of our application • Attempted to connect to the lights through TPLink phone app • Started on the Use Case Diagram for the system • Found out the details of the local network we will be using for setting up the lights • Continued working on use case diagram establishing the actors of the system and main basic functions 0 63Tim s4550195 - Diary Session 2 • Found out the make and model of the smart lights we are using for this project • Discussed general requirements and users of our application • Attempted to connect to the lights through TPLink phone app • Started on the Use Case Diagram for the system • Found out the details of the local network we will be using for setting up the lights • Continued working on use case diagram establishing the actors of the system and main basic functions 0 63Diary Session 2 - We started this session bringing forward research we did the night before regarding the project. We are now doing Project 6 as the teacher specified at the end of the first session that multiple groups cannot be doing the same project. Moving forward, I came up with a rough idea of how we could get the smart bulbs to integrate with wordpress. We talked a little about a relevant third party API we could use to implement the functional requirements of the project. We were discussing how to layout the website, structuring it like a control panel with potential sub sections and the options we could hand over to the users so they can configure the smart bulb. We were discussing the relevant users of the smart devices, if we should integrate a login interface for them to access the control panel. We discussed how people can benefit from the smart devices and brainstormed a few unique ideas. We talked about potentially implementing different forms of lighting to showcase how they can be used in a fun manner. We’ve also allocated and got the ball rolling on what people have to individually contribute to the project plan.0
942023-07-0305:40:442Group 3 NEF3001 Stephen Brackenridge s8090210 - Formed our group. - Agreed to finishing Block - Summer 2024. - Agreed to on Project 5, D633 Screens Management System. - Researched Technology and CMS systems to choose from, - Clarified requirements for project with supervisor. - Created a Microsoft Word Template and account and shared with team for project management. - Allocated tasks between the team. - Clarified physical TV screens design and software (Android TV). 0
932023-07-0305:40:022Rihan (s8077239) Discussed the initial architecture and design of the system. Started with the functional and non-functional requirements We have not picked a CMS system, but that is not a concern Setup folder for sharing content, between team members We validated that the TVs are, in fact, android smart tv's and that we can use Android as a development platform 0
922023-07-0305:35:532Diary - Session 1 Aditya Antony S4656684 03/07/23 Today was the orientation session where we went over the unit and discussed what will be done during this unit and what we will expect during and after this unit. We also formed groups with my group being group 4, after we formed groups we selected which project we would stick through for the unit and was just discussing the project selected for the remainder of the unit 0
912023-07-0305:35:502Group 4 Netra Chheng S4655300 Session 1 Today we formed our group and discuss which project we will work on. We picked project 1, we also decided which part of the report we are working on. I've also did some research on recommendation algorithms. 0
902023-07-0305:35:442Diary The team and I have discussed on the project and it’s goal. We have brainstormed for ideas and took some sites for inspiration on our web application such as: Hyots, Village, Netflix and Woolworths. Our steam leader Hayden has also decided to split us into individual sections for our upcoming assessment. s46573320
892023-07-0305:35:402Brandon Imbesi s4636764, Group 1, Diary Entry 1 - The first thing our group did was decide on the project we’ll be completing. We all agreed on project 5, as we felt it was the best option. We all felt that we could extract the best possible mark from using this project template. We then discussed how we will go about completing the task down the line, but this isn’t the priority for the time being as the implementation is to be done during the next block. We delegated tasks to equally split up the workload and discussed what to include in each section of the documentation. We also set up a way to communicate, outside of class. Communication is key, so this is important. We agreed as a group, that we would thoroughly research solutions in the next few days, and complete this initial document by the end of the week. 0
872023-07-0305:33:452Volkan Kotch - S4515920 - Group 1 - Diary Entry 1 - We began the first session forming groups and deciding what project we want to take on board. We’ve decided on Project 5 as we feel we can achieve an acceptable outcome with it. We’ve discussed the foundation of the project and how we can get started, figuring out what would be the best way to get a website to suit the functions we desire. Nothing is set in stone for this yet, just thrown around a few ideas. We were deciding on how to create the database to have the files stored on. Using MYSQL would probably be the most effective way to do this. We sorted out a source of communication outside of school to keep in contact.0
862023-07-0305:33:272Tim s4550195 - Diary Session 1 • Orientation from supervisor • Introduction to the unit • Formed group for project • Created a chat group for communication between group members • Discussed available topics for the project • Selected Project 5 – D633 Screen Management System • Briefly discussed what tools we would use to build the application • Divided the project plan into 5 equal parts and allocated them 0
852023-07-0305:33:2523/07/2023 SESSION 1 Good afternoon, Today I picked Project 3 and planned what I had to do with my group (Ram, Malcolmn, Agot). We picked PHP as our source for making a website which consisted of a sign in/up page, a title page, domain name and a static page. On the website our group will also add a forum post where a person can start a forum either public or anonymously. A person can also add a comment anonymously. (AHSAN BHATTI) 0
842023-07-0305:33:152 GROUP 2 PROJECT 3 3/7/23 3:32 pm Good Afternoon, Well finally Applied project 1 started, and as planned Me, Malcolm and Ali are In one Group. Agot, additional member joined us as well. After a long discussion with the team, we chose project 3, Anonymous Forum as our project. Well after discussing the Backend programming language, we decided to use PHP as the backend language and Mysql as the database. We are gonna create a website, and host it on an online web hosting provider. We planned our website design, the requirements. We planned to include a login page, a topic section for forums, and digital certificates for https website. We discussed the program/function for the anonymous username generator. Since it’s the first day, I didn't get into depth about it yet. Starting with the static code first, first we decided to use our local machines to code the website, and then we will implement it at once. I think that’s it for today.. Ram Ponnam 0
832023-07-0305:33:112Group 4 We discussed what topic and chose our group. We delegated who is going to focus on what part of the assessment Netra - background Thurstan - functions Timeline - adi Hayden - assistance to all parts Wynton - assistance to all parts Hayden Green 46552770
822023-07-0305:32:502Tim s4550195 - Diary Session 1 • Orientation from supervisor • Introduction to the unit • Formed group for project • Created a chat group for communication between group members • Discussed available topics for the project • Selected Project 5 – D633 Screen Management System • Briefly discussed what tools we would use to build the application • Divided the project plan into 5 equal parts and allocated them 0
812023-07-0305:32:442Group 4 We discussed what topic and chose our group. We delegated who is going to focus on what part of the assessment Netra - background Thurstan - functions Timeline - adi Hayden - assistance to all parts Wynton - assistance to all parts Hayden Green 46552770
802023-07-0305:32:392Tai Le s4661301 - Group 1 Formed our groups and decided on doing Project 5 Screen Management System. Working out contributions of the project plan for each person. Figuring out what functionality/non-functionality of our application will have (media management, database storage, access control). Researched applications and technologies that would suit our project (WordPress,PHP). Created a google docs for our project plan so everyone in the group can access the document online. Decided to use Discord to communicate outside of class. 0
792023-07-0305:32:262Tai Le s4661301 - Group 1 Formed our groups and decided on doing Project 5 Screen Management System. Working out contributions of the project plan for each person. Figuring out what functionality/non-functionality of our application will have (media management, database storage, access control). Researched applications and technologies that would suit our project (WordPress,PHP). Created a google docs for our project plan so everyone in the group can access the document online. Decided to use Discord to communicate outside of class. 0
782023-07-0305:31:102Group 1 NEF3001 – Diery entry 1 S4628446 Tenzin Tsewang We started off forming a group with five people including me for the group project and we looked at every topics and discussed on which one to pick according to some small sources through And finally, decided on picking 5th which is Screens Management System where we need to find a way to use IP address or Mac address to connect with other screen and be able to upload, download and manage image or videos remotely from the website that we are going to create. We looked up into some websites like: 1: 2: 3: linux - Creating multiple screens in a for loop to run parellel programs and sending commands to each - Super User After looking up we decided to break down the topics according to expertise like who is better at making models, diagrams, intros and the work of the actual system. We decided to communicate using Discord outside the class to catch up for any problems when we are working alone or from a distance. Since we already decided on distributions of topics we started researching on a way to connect and remotely ulter image or video files on different screen.0
772023-07-0305:27:582user name: Greg Ford project: Fortnite0
762023-07-0305:27:512user name: Greg Ford project: Fortnite0
752023-07-0305:27:052user name: Tim0
742023-07-0305:26:512Tim, 50
732023-07-0305:26:322user name: Tim, project: 5 text0
362023-07-0305:07:402Joined a group. We decided to work on Project 3 which requires us to make an Anonymous forum where users get unique pseudonyms for each message they post. We are going to make a web application that users can log in and be able to post. We will be using PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL. We set up group chat and GitHub repository and added everyone. 0